[Callers] Favorite relatively Modern ECD

Ric Goldman - Letsdance via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Dec 11 01:50:07 PST 2016

Hi Erik,

I've called Mendocino several times.  It's a wonderful community dance with
dedicated English dancers of varying experience.  A lot of the dance is
driven around Beth & Mickie's community band.  They can provide you with
their "list of regular tunes/dances" which the band is familiar with, but
they're also good at taking new (to them) tunes and making them come to
life.  Attendance will vary depending on circumstance, so I would suggest
making sure you have a number of 3- and 4-couple dances either in the
program or available as backup alternates.  One modern dance I know they are
familiar with is one of mine - Pebbles, from 2011.  I'll send you the .pdf
of the tune off-list, along with samples from previous programs there, but
here's the instructions for Pebbles itself.

Longways duple minor, 2/2 meter, G
Tune and dance: Ric Goldman, 2011
A1	1-4	All set fwd to corner, turn single back
	5-8	All circle L 1x
	9-12	All set fwd to corner, turn single back
	13-16	All star R 1x
B1	1-4	1s cross and go below (2s moving up)
	5-8	1s half figure-8 up and around into center of a line-of-4
	9-12	Line-of-4 up-a-dbl & back
	13-16	2s gate 1s up and around to progressed places

Since we shouldn't do attachments on the list, here's the tune in ABC

C:Ric Goldman 2011
FGAB|c2B2A2D2|"C"EFG2"D"G2F2|"G" G6||

Thanx, Ric Goldman
letsdance at rgoldman.org

P.S. Info on abc notation - http://www.lesession.co.uk/abc/abc_notation.htm
P.P.S. I use the ABC wizywig editor is at:
http://abcexplorer.software.informer.com/1.6/ but you can google for desktop
and mobile platforms.
P.P.S. Musical notation .pdf available on request

-----Original Message-----
From: Callers [mailto:callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net] On Behalf Of
Erik Hoffman via Callers
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 11:21 AM
To: callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Subject: Re: [Callers] Favorite relatively Modern ECD

As per my request for modern English dances, I don't mind collecting any few
dances that people really like. But, for more info on the dance I'll be
leading, it's the Mendocino, California, English dance. Having not been to
it before, but knowing the organizers: Beth & Mickie Zekely, I think it's a
dedicated English dance with dedicated English dancers. My suspicion is that
Kalia and Alan Winston may know more about the dance than I, since they've
both been there.

Again, Thanks for any help!
~Erik Hoffman
Oakland, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Callers [mailto:callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net] On Behalf Of
Kalia Kliban via Callers
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2016 9:47 AM
To: callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Subject: Re: [Callers] Favorite relatively Modern ECD

On 12/9/2016 10:49 PM, Erik Hoffman via Callers wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm going to lead an English dance in early February. I've led English 
> once or twice, and mostly stuck with The Playford Collection, and some 
> Pat Shaw dances. I wouldn't mind collecting a few more modern dances.
> Please feel free to either post them to the list, or send to me directly:
>   _erik at erikhoffman.com_ <mailto:erik at erikhoffman.com>
> And, of course, please include the music.

Erik, can you specify what the group is like that you'll be calling for? 
  Hardcore English dancers?  Mostly contra folks who are taking a walk on
the wild side?  Brand-new dancers?  That will make a difference for the
dances we can recommend.


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