[Callers] Favorite relatively Modern ECD
Don Veino via Callers
callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Dec 10 13:32:19 PST 2016
My contributions are limited as I only occasionally dance English. There's
a new dance by a local friend which appears to be making a splash...
Sapphire Sea by Christine Robb (see
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-8LyExynvA). Choreography and tune can be
seen clearly in the video if you pause it at 0:11 and 0:14 or so.
BTW, I also wrote a dance recently which could arguably be either an
English dance or a contra in waltz time, see below.
*Linda's Gifts (of Time) - Longways Duple Proper in Waltz Time - Don Veino
In grateful recognition of Linda Leslie's investments of time in the folk
dance community and in particular her consultation and mentoring given me
as I hone my dance calling and composition.
(6,6) First Corners Set to each other (small steps to the Right-2-3,
Left-2-3), Hole in the Wall (forward 3 beats/steps, pass rights and pivot 1
step, fall back 2 steps into each other's places)
(12) Second Corners, same thing
(12) Partner Two-Hand Turn 1x
(12) Circle Left 1x
(12) Ones Half Figure 8 up through and around Twos to finish below
(12) Twos do similar below, to finish above
(12) Partner Back to Back/Dosido
(6) Ring Balance with current Neighbors
(6) Cloverleaf Turn Single over outside shoulder to face new Neighbors
Working title was "Two Rivers", written to go with the tune of the same
name by Larry Unger, but any lilting/romantic waltz of suitable length will
On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 1:49 AM, Erik Hoffman via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I’m going to lead an English dance in early February. I’ve led English
> once or twice, and mostly stuck with The Playford Collection, and some Pat
> Shaw dances. I wouldn’t mind collecting a few more modern dances.
> Please feel free to either post them to the list, or send to me directly:
> *erik at erikhoffman.com* <erik at erikhoffman.com>
> And, of course, please include the music.
> Thanks,
> ~Erik Hoffman
> Oakland, CA
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