Not surprising you can’t find it online, it is unpublished (except here). I called it
Waves of the Sea as there are too many versions Waves of Tory already. Though the one I
like best is the version Pete Grasby calls. I think he calls it the Cuckoo’s Nest version
as it evolved at a University folk dance club of that name (Coventry University?)
It is the same as the CDM version until you lead up through the 1’s arch, then instead of
waiting till all are through and facing down to start the dip-&-dive the new leading
couple turns and begins it as others are still coming through the arch. Which gives more
time to finish dipping and diving and maybe swing.
From: mjw(a) [trad-dance-callers]
Sent: 20 January 2019 21:42
To: trad-dance-callers(a)
Subject: RE: [trad-dance-callers] Re: Ceili wedding
Waves of the Sea (simplified version of Waves of Tory for use with non- dancers)
Jigs (I don’t care how many bars) e.g. Dingles Regatta. Longways set for everyone (no
fussing about 1 more couple)
Lines forward and back twice.
Cast (follow the leader / peel the banana) lead your partner up the middle
Top couple face down, all dip and dive turning when you reach either end until I say
I vary the length of the dip and dive but aim to give them an 8 bar swing and form the
lines ready to go F&B at a sensible point in the music.
As someone said it’s hard to get people to stop in the right place, so I let them stop
where-ever they are.
From: Rich Sbardella richsbardella(a) [trad-dance-callers]
Sent: 20 January 2019 19:32
To: trad-dance-callers(a)
Subject: Re: [trad-dance-callers] Re: Ceili wedding
Jacob, Can you provide a link to Mo's description?
On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:47 PM Jacob or Nancy Bloom jandnbloom(a)
[trad-dance-callers] <trad-dance-callers(a)> wrote:
Waves Of The Sea is Mo Waddington's adaptation of Waves of Tory, which he described in
his post in this thread. (It looks good. I'm planning to use it myself.)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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