Hello callers,I recently was viewing a video of Erik Weberg calling a contra in 2005 at
Dance Awakening. I'm pretty sure he said it was called "Farewell to Cassidy"
but I've found no other references to such a dance, so far.
It's a nice dance, I think, and it is almost exactly the same as one I composed in
June of the same year that I named "June Cold Spell". The difference has only to
do with where the figure sequence begins. My composition began at balance the ring and
neighbors roll-away then actives half figure-8 up thru the 2s, while the other dance
begins at actives center in a line of four down the hall, neighbors turn as couple &
Probably the dance sequence got lodged in my subconscious at Dance Awakening. But I'm
left not knowing the author information and date of composition of "Farewell to
Cassidy". Do any of you know of a dance by that name?
Mark Goodwin (sending from Grace Goodwin)