Jonathan mentions The Blob -- a very fine dance indeed, I think. (see below)
A couple of additional things I do with it.
1) Blob up and down (Down and Up?)
Hold hands in small blobs or giant blobs and go down and up with
appropriate blobbish sound effects.
2) Blob ALL the Way Around -- do si do as Blobs (When you have at least two
lines so you can form two giant blobs)
Get the blobs circling left and encourage them to go around each other --
kind of like a giant bouquet waltz. Success rates will vary when doing this
but it will assuredly create a lot of movement, confusion and laughter,
even if everything falls apart.
The Blob
Sherry Nevins?
Longways proper for as many as will
with partners (any age, any gender) facing each other in a long line.
Starting at the top, join hands in groups of 4 or 6; this is your blob.
1 - Long lines forward and back
2 - Forward and back again
3 - Partners right elbow around
4 - Partners left elbow around
5 - Blobs join hands and circle left
6 - Circle right, back to place (top blob keep holding hands, others
jump WAY back from partner)
7-8 Top blob sashay down the center, others clap in time, & move up
towards the top
Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
When you stumble, make it part of the dance.
Some of you may have known Susan Moffett, who was a dancer and a caller
and a musician (and an artist and a mother and a wife and a friend and a
professor and a teacher in the truest sense). She danced and called dances
in Louisville and the surrounding region.
She was consistently positive and supportive, a great communicator who
modeled so many things for me as a caller and as a human.
Her celebration of life will include both a service and, of course, a
dance, on Saturday, May 19 in Louisville. (Service at 4:30, dance at 8:00).
Jerome Grisanti
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power
and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dear All,
I'm doing a mother-daughter dance in a few weeks. In the interest of
keeping things interesting, are there any new or unusual or different
dances sequences you recommend?
I recently heard mention of "Cats and Mice" I think it was in the context
of dances for very small people -- and that's an area of interest too. One
coming up in July.
Sharing of repertoire ideas appreciated.
Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
When you stumble, make it part of the dance.
Has anyone run into this as a dance? Clearly involves some scurrying and
chasing. R
Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
When you stumble, make it part of the dance.
The origin of Blobs is lost in the mists of time, but I do know that I
started calling it in the early 90's after meeting John Krumm, so the
idea is likely his. The title 'Blobs', however, sounds like it might
have emerged from my brain. I take great pleasure in crying out: 'Look
out! Here comes the blob!'
Ridge - it sounds like you need to attend Pourparler, where you will
meet a gang of people each with a list as long as your arm of the kind
of dances you are looking for. Pourparler 2018 will be in San Antonio,
Nov 1-4.
-- Marian
Marian Rose
Chicoutimi, Quebec
(581) 234-1614
Have fun, just be careful if you have them go anything that involves "a
great big shout" because you may get deafened. Little scout people are both
fun and loud.
Jerome Grisanti
"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power
and magic in it." --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dear All,
I've been asked to call one or two dances by Linda Leslie for a dance on
Friday. I have one that might be ok -- Do Si Three -- so not exactly a
contra. Does anyone have other suggestions. Dance intermediate level with
(typically) a lot of newcomers, so very complex dances won't work. I'll
appreciate any suggestions.
Ridge Kennedy [Exit 145]
When you stumble, make it part of the dance.