trad-callers April 2017
  • 24 participants
  • 9 discussions

Name og author
by Erik Lilholt
7 years, 10 months

Ralph Sweet's Birthday Dance
by Rich Sbardella
7 years, 10 months

Looking for "A Great Catch"
by Linda S. Mrosko
7 years, 10 months

Query: Actual tunes hear by Cecil Sharp for "Running Set"?
by James Saxe
7 years, 10 months

Re: themes for contra dance workshops
by Marty Albini
7 years, 11 months

Dance, Music and Spice week at Camp Cavell, Michigan
by Carol Ormand
7 years, 11 months

themes for contra dance workshops
by Jonathan Sivier
7 years, 11 months

Eastbourne International Folkdance Festival (EIFF)
by Robin
7 years, 11 months

Designating who does what in the figure: "????? Chain" ...
by Roger Diggle
7 years, 11 months
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