Hi fellow Shared Weight organizers,
CDSS is hosting an upcoming web chat on the same topic we were discussing
late last week - how to connect our community members during the pandemic.
(The web chat has been in the works for a few weeks but we had to finalize
the details.)
More information is below including a link to register.
(The web chat is free.)
I'm really hoping that some of us will share our ideas with those on the
call... it would be great to hear more about your ideas AND see some of
your faces!
:) Emily Addison
Writing from Ottawa, Ontario
NEW! Web Chat for All Communities
Yes We CAN Keep in Touch!
Connecting Our Communities During the Pandemic
We’re saving our previously announced Web Chat for song organizers for a
later date. Tune in for this special Web Chat later this month!
Wednesday, April 29, 7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT
Amidst this period of physical distancing, many music, dance, and song
groups are finding creative ways to keep their community members connected.
We’d love to help you hear from many organizers far and wide about
inspiring experiences that are working in their local communities. So we’re
hosting a special web chat using a new format to bring you innovative ideas
for ALL communities—song, music, dance (ECD, contra, Morris, square,
dancing with kids, etc.). We welcome your ideas!
Register online
by 4/24 to share your group’s experience (provide brief description
in registration form)
by 4/28 to join as a listener
Please share this message with friends
help us spread this virtual quilt of ideas over the entire continent and
beyond! Questions? Contact resources(a)cdss.org