Hi Liz and All,
I am in no way, shape or form a health expert. At the same time,
I'm reasonably intelligent
and have been reading a lot and asking many questions.
Harvest Moon Folk Society started back dancing at River Falls
Lodge, Greenville County, SC, in July.
The venue is pretty open air except for winter, with big fans moving air.
I no longer run sound there, but that's a separate thing(too much driving).
The Old Farmers Ball group dances in Bryson Gym at Warren Wilson
College, outside Asheville, NC.
The College was supposed to say Monday when outside events like dancing
will open again, and
what precautions will be required. Am waiting to hear what they decided.
The CDC says the biggest risk factor for life-threatening covid is
The second biggest risk factor is obesity. It would be great to see
Public Health helping everybody move toward being healthier.
(Big + for dancing, and singing together is an excellent builder of
social capital!)
I would like to see more information about how Vitamin D can
reduce the risk and severity of covid.
Some evidence points to being poor as being a significant risk
factor. How many of us
on this list are poor? How about we effectively address equity in the US?
Animals can carry covid. From the CDC:
) Companion animals, including pet cats and dogs and one ferret.
) Animals in zoos and sanctuaries, including several types of big cats,
otters, and non-human primates.
) Mink on mink farms.
) Wild white-tailed deer in several U.S. states.
We have covid in domestic and wild animals, and vaccinated people
can spread it.
Will covid become endemic?
My MD says there are a lot of unknowns about the current vaccines.
For anybody who is healthy and under 50, her current recommendation is
don't get it.
Denmark is allowing those who have been vaccinated into the country.
A negative test will also get you in, as well as proof of having covid
and recovering.
Could these be reasonable criteria for dancing and singing?
I'm lucky in being able to eat well and most days be outside some in
the sunshine and fresh air, and have a supply of Ivermectin.
Thanks and good health, Weogo
On 8/16/2021 4:43 PM, Liz Burkhart via Organizers wrote:
Hi all, with some dances resuming for the summer,