BACDS American Week has full dance and music tracks. Part of the original
idea of setting it up this way was that there are lots of camps that focus
on music, but there aren't as many places where the focus is on playing for
dances. But I'm a dancer and don't actually know what attracts musicians to
a week like this.
I'd love to hear any thoughts you might have, but in case it's useful to
get things rolling, here are a couple of potential questions. As musicians,
what are you looking for in bands and music staff? What kinds of workshops
and classes do you want? For example, tunes, styling, technique, jamming,
ways of playing for dancers, working as a band, etc. What other factors
(other than logistics like location, price, dates) are important to you?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts and feedback!
Programmer, BACDS American Week
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