Random Thoughts on Price:
In the long run your dance will do OK with the price increase.
I weighed in on the subject back in July so I won't rehash
One thing that did happen, was that, I was accused of putting that extra
into my own pocket. Of course that did not happen.
(Later, the accuser came to the dance on a sporadic basis, which was
just as well)
Many times I added money from my pocket to make sure
The performers took home enough.
On the other hand family and friends, could not believe that I was
doing all this work and not getting any monetary gain from it.
(I did not tell them that I would sometimes subsidize the dance)
I did it for the dance!
Running a contra dance is not (nor should it be a money making venture)
Many smaller dances operate on a 'take of the door basis'
(No guaranteed sum to performers) It's more of an exercise in
building. I enjoy the smaller 'non-professional' dances
Compared to other forms of entertainment; $8.00 bucks is a cheap night
And the interactions with the community are well worth it.
I wonder if other factors may be influencing dancers' decisions not to
attend the Mill City dance?
If attendance continues to decline I would suggest placing
questionnaires on the
tables a the dance, and gauge responses.
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