Hi Organizers,
I have been exploring holding a 2 or 3 day fundraising event in June in the
venue where we hold a monthly dance series. Two prominent and popular
callers have agreed to call one on the Friday and one on the Saturday of the
weekend. A third caller may be available if the event is scheduled for
three days. The committee is afraid it will be another Woodstock with kids
sleeping in school busses and peeing in the bushes. Have you encountered
these fears before (I have not). They are afraid that we will be inundated
with large numbers of people, many of them unruly. I feel we can limit
attendance if need be by requiring pre registration or tickets, and I am
frankly not so worried. I am definitely not looking to organize a huge
event. 50 to 100 paying customers would easily meet our fundraising goals.
I also see it as a way to reach out to the community around us - with
beginners' events and family dances and free outdoor activities. I believe
that the fears of the committee are grossly exaggerated.
Have you ever organized a small multi-day event? What were your experiences
in terms of having too many people? What has worked? What has not? If you
have experience with this please let me know your experiences, on or
offline, and if it would be ok to put committee members in touch with you.
Direct, people to people contact is always best I feel.
P.S. If you feel you know where this is, please do not say so, so that I can
preserve their privacy.
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