Our dance community is currently discussing this issue, as well.
We are a small dance (30-50) dancers. We store our equipment at the venue (grange).
We've had a volunteer set up sound. It has been suggested that we train and hire
someone for the task of setting up and managing sound.
I, too, am curious how other groups manage this.
Stacy Rose
South Coast Folk Society
Coos Bay, OR
On May 13, 2014, at 9:41 AM, Emily Addison <emilyladdison(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Just a quick follow up to my budget question...
How many or you pay for sound vs have volunteers look after that part of
your event?
And if you pay, do you pay over 150$ or under?
We pay our sound guy over 150$ as he does an amazing job and looks after
all the details. And I doubt we'll change that.... he's just too good. :)
However, I'm interested in other models that folks use!
With thanks,
Ottawa, ON
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