Dear dance organizers,
Registrations for the November 11-13 Puttin' On the Dance conference are
arriving in Delia's mailbox, Linda & Mary are building the program, and
we're receiving bios from the dance organizers who are leading sessions.
It's really coming together!!!
Here's what we want to pass on:
*~ Program Content:
*We've fleshed out a few more details about the conference program,
including more info on topics to be covered in the program. Here are the
pages which have substantial updates.<>
~ Workshop Session Leadership:
*Find out a bit more about some of the people who will be leading sessions
at the conference! See: (Note: This
page will be updated regularly as we receive bios from the session leaders,
so check back often!)
**~ Enhance Our Email Distribution: *
We've got a fairly robust list of email addresses for dance organizers in
the Northeast dances, but there are still some gaps! For some dances we
have only one email address although there are several people on the
organizing team, for other dances we have outdated addresses, and we've
probably overlooked some dances. Please (!) send us names and email
addresses for anyone you think may be interested in this conference.
*~ Post Fliers:*
We want to be sure that everyone knows this conference is happening. Mary
designed a conference flier suitable for distribution at dances, which is
attached. (It's also available on the website Please promote the conference by printing
and distributing a few of these at dances near and far. (Thanks for joining
the street team!)
~ Initial Scholarship Deadline August 1:
*All scholarship applications postmarked by August 1 will be considered
equally. If funds remain, scholarships mailed after Aug 1 will also be
considered, at a later date. For forms and info, see
~ Scholarship Fund Donations are Welcomed!
*Whether you are an individual or representing a group, please consider
contributing to our scholarship fund, to help other organizers attend the
conference. Donate when you register, or send it in separately. Checks
payable to CDSS. Mail to Delia Clark, PO Box 45, Taftsville, VT 05073.
Thank you!
And finally, don't forget that the* Earlybird Rates *are in effect for
registrations postmarked September 1. Here's a reminder of all the
registration information:
Chrissy Fowler
Apologies for any cross posting.
David Millstone will be in the Boston area on August 9th and has offered to
do a Chestnuts calling workshop that evening IF we can get enough interested
and available callers.
This isn't a dance but a callers-only workshop. The goal is to have a small
set of dancers so the callers can practice. We have a fiddler but would also
welcome a pianist who knows how to play Chestnuts.
Right now I'm just trying to determine if we can get enough callers so this
workshop isn't yet set in stone.
If you are a caller and have an interest in this workshop and are available
in the Boston area on Tuesday evening, August 9th, please let me know!
Thanks, everyone!
Sally Bown
BIDA board member
cell: 502-550-5981