Yoyo and All:
I wrote that sequence on 8/6/10, and call it Hook, Line, and Sinker. At the time I looked
around and didn't find it in the usual sources, but it's possible someone else
preceded me with it.
From: Callers <callers-bounces(a)lists.sharedweight.net> on behalf of Yoyo Zhou via
Callers <callers(a)lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 1:42:48 PM
To: Caller's discussion list
Subject: [Callers] Do you recognize this dance?
Hi callers,
I improvised this dance inspired by James Hutson's Treasure of the Sierra Madre last
night, but it seems like it could have been written before. Does anyone have a title and
author for it?
NB. The B2->A1 transition has slightly awkward hands for the gents, but it seemed to go
A1: N balance, box the gnat; gents allemande left 1+1/2
A2: full hey, pass P right
B1: P balance, swing
B2: circle left 3/4; balance ring, P CA twirl
Yoyo Zhou
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