On 2015-10-25 1556, Michael Fuerst via Callers wrote:
The use of gypsy as a contra dance term is almost as
offensive as a
contra dance containing a shadow swing. (JUST KIDDING)
I would suggest a response of the following nature:
Hello _______
I'd almost stop there.
The most significant action/interaction has occurred, the person spoke
up. The useful thing is to acknowledge it -- receipt of the communication.
(As an operator in many radio communication services I can easily attest
to the fact that an indication of receipt is different from one stating
Were I writing in response (to that which I have not seen, or felt a
reaction to), I might state in my version of a kindly tone, "Thank you
for writing, and expressing your concern." . . . point of view, etc. as
one considers it useful.
There is little need to explain anything. They wish to speak, be heard.
Indicating they've been heard is likely to be the most satisfying thing
to them.
Perhaps have a look for the most excellent philosophy of Bruce Hamilton
on giving and receiving feedback.
Cheers, John
J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC