Someone in Ontario has contacted me looking for a caller of Contra and/or English dance who is part of the LGBTQ community.
This is for a one night event in August this summer, in Haliburton, Ontario, within a week-long camp for the LGBTQ community.
Contact me and I will hook you up.
Elizabeth Szekeres
Talent Coordinator
Toronto Contra Dance
Sent from my iPhone
Hey folks! I'm evaluating options for posting my dance compositions.
I'd like to do so in a way that provides capability for searching on
pertinent characteristics and for feedback/comments.
I could hack something together (slowly) on my main web site but I
currently also use WordPress as a blogging platform, and that already has
many of the desired features built in (search, categories, tags, comments,
anti-spam tools, etc.).
However, the generic WordPress blog post format doesn't provide a suitable
taxonomy for presenting a dance. I could just format stuff consistently
into the body of the post but I'm wondering if anyone has already done the
work of developing a custom post type and taxonomy for dances in WordPress?
If not in WordPress, has anyone created a similar approach using another
common blogging or Content Management System?