[Callers] Does this exist? (Rory O'Moore > Partner Balance and Swing)

Maia McCormick maiamcc at gmail.com
Thu Mar 28 20:13:47 PDT 2019

I wanted a closer with a Rory O'Moore and a partner balance and swing. This
is what I came up with. Does this (or a variant thereof) already exist?

*Wave Goodbye* (becket L)
A1: (on the L diagonal) give and take N (to lark's side)
N swing
A2: ravens chain (to P)
ravens alle. R 1 1/2 to short waves (LH to N, ravens by R)
B1: bal. L and R, slide L (short waves, RH to N, larks by L)
bal. R and L, slide R, ravens sliding extra to pass each other
B2: P b&s
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