[Callers] Two Face Three Dance Inquiry

Mac Mckeever macmck at ymail.com
Sun Jul 7 19:55:05 PDT 2019

 I have a dance I think is called 'turn back jack' - part if it is 3 face 2 and the 2 dosido with the center dancer in the line of 3.  It goes into a basket swing in a way that is hard to explain - but i will try
I will not relate this to the music because it never seems to be able to keep up - so it is more free form.
All 5 right star - one person is designate as the JackJack drops out of the star and turns back the other way an chooses someone to swingThe other 3 do a basket swing and end in line of 3 facing the other 2 who were swingingWho ever ends up in the center of the line of 3 is the Jack next time aroundLine of 2 dosido with person in center of line of 3Center person returns to center of line - but faces out and crosses arms to take hands in line of 2other 2 join to make a circle of 5 with the new Jack facing out with arms crossedJack raises top arm to make arch and pulls 2 dancers into middle of circleno one lets go - center dancers raise arms over others to make a basket (yes - this actually works!)Basket swing - release to right star and start again.
This is not an easy dance
Mac McKeeverST Louis

    On Sunday, July 7, 2019, 09:43:03 PM CDT, Rich Sbardella via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:  
I remember dancing a dance where two people face a line of three.  I believe there was a Dosido as lines of two and three, but I cannot remember the dance.
Does anyone recall such a dance.  Are you willing to share it?
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