[Callers] Programming a Dance

Mary Collins nativedae at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 15:15:22 PDT 2018

I usually start thinking about the program as soon as I book. Then as far
out as two weeks I pull and practice dances, determine suitable music,
refine a day or two before and then once at the dance change the whole
program. Lol.  Not really but once I get there I end up changing order or
some dances. I've been pulling my similar yet substituting dances itn
advance lately too.

On Mar 13, 2018 6:04 PM, "Bob Peterson via Callers" <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> As a new caller I spend way too many hours preparing. I used to start
> weeks in advance, just so I could read all the choreography books I have.
> Now I’m down to 1 or 2 weeks. LOL. Where I’m spending most of my time
> nowadays is developing a sense of “story” and “biorhythm” to the program,
> and not just a logical progression of complexity. I look forward to getting
> it down to an hour!
> By now I have been through my library enough and called enough that I have
> a couple special folders of fallback easy/fun/low-turnout dances to rely on
> when I need them. Having fallbacks makes programming simpler (thus faster)
> so I don’t need an absurd flowchart. (Yes, I tried that once.)
> On Mar 13, 2018, at 17:28, Jean Gibson-Gorrindo via Callers <
> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
> My calling took a big leap forward when I started paying more attention to
> what I would say during the walk-thru, and practicing saying it out loud as
> concisely as possible (Lisa Greenleaf influence!).
> I do this as well. Saying the teaching aloud, alone, helps me test and
> pare the words down. Walking a couple positions as well helps me aware of
> the dancer perspectives as well.
> \Bob Peterson
> http://contracorner.com/caller/
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