[Callers] Dance logs and record-keeping

Winston, Alan P. winston at slac.stanford.edu
Tue Mar 6 18:22:12 PST 2018

Oddly enough, I was just in Seattle at the end of February and had a 
conversation about this with Lindsey Dono, who told me to my surprise 
that dancers at Lake City, at least, will complain about getting the 
same dance two weeks in a row, and said that there *was* a log kept of 
dances called locally.

So, Amy, I suggest checking with Lindsey and see if the effort is 
already under way.

In the SF Bay Area, I think our dance populations kinda slop around, so 
that while a core of people may go to the central Bay Area dances (SF, 
Berkeley, Palo Alto), East Bay people may also go to North Bay dances 
(San Rafael, Petaluma) and North Bay people may go to Berkeley or SF but 
not usually Palo Alto, while Monterey Bay people (Monterey, Santa Cruz) 
go to those dances and some come up to Palo Alto, and some South Bay 
people (Palo Alto, San Jose, etc) go to Santa Cruz or Monterey.  The 
result is that every dancer does the dances that are called at the 
dances they happen to go to, it would be a huge coordinating effort to 
keep all the dances at different dance series with somewhat-overlapping 
attendance separate, and nobody but callers seems to care anyway.

For me personally, different band, different tune set pretty much equals 
different dance even with the same figures - but also dances that are 
3/4 the same figures as other dances feel like the same dances anyway.

-- Alan

On 3/6/2018 6:07 PM, Amy Wimmer via Callers wrote:
> Huh! I never thought of that for the dance we run. I keep a file of 
> each gig and the dances I called at each. I also write on each dance 
> card the date and location of each time I've called it, so I don't 
> repeat myself too often.
> There's a record of contra dances called at Northwest Folklife 
> Festival. I don't know how far back it goes.
> I'll talk to my fellow organizers about starting this at Emerald City 
> Contra Dance.
> -Amy
> On Tue, Mar 6, 2018, 5:42 PM Kalia Kliban via Callers 
> <callers at lists.sharedweight.net 
> <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
>     Dance logs, a cumulative record for a series of which dances have been
>     called on any given evening, are very common in the English dance
>     community but vanishingly rare in the contra community.  Why is that?
>     They're really helpful for incoming callers, and it's probably
>     nice for
>     the dancers not to keep getting the same dances week after week.
>     I've only ever known of one contra series that kept a log, and it's
>     probably because I suggested it when they started out (the Queer
>     Contra
>     series in Oakland, CA).  Are there any contra organizers out there who
>     maintain a dance log?  Those of you who do, how do you get the dance
>     lists from the callers?  The Oakland series had a little book on the
>     stage and the callers would write their programs down as they went
>     or at
>     the end of the night.
>     Part of it comes down to record-keeping on the part of the callers.  I
>     keep a personal log of all the dances I've called so I can avoid
>     repeating myself when I return to a given venue.  That makes it
>     easy for
>     me to produce a set list after the fact if an organizer wants to
>     fill in
>     a gap in the log.  Fellow contra callers, do you all keep records of
>     what you call, and if you don't, how do you avoid repeating
>     yourself or
>     remember what worked well (or not) the last time you called at a
>     particular place?
>     If you work with something like Caller's Companion, do you update the
>     program list with what you actually danced as opposed to what you
>     programmed?
>     Just curious about other people's process on this.
>     Kalia in Sebastopol, CA
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