[Callers] Nerdy dances

Colin Hume colin at colinhume.com
Mon Feb 12 11:14:39 PST 2018

On Mon, 12 Feb 2018 13:51:14 -0500, Luke Donforth via Callers wrote:
> Thank you for the shout out to Entangled in Monte Carlo :-)

Luke -

I'm not likely to call contras with swing dance moves, but I noticed that in typical Becket fashion yours finishes with a partner 
swing.  It then starts again with "Long lines yearn forward on the left diagonal, then Gents take new neighbor home and swing".

Surely this is a "Give and take", which works better if you keep your arm round your partner when going forward on the left 
diagonal rather than joining hands in long lines.  That's how Larry Jennings defined the figure, though many callers don't seem to 
know that.

Colin Hume

Email colin at colinhume.com      Web site http://colinhume.com

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