[Callers] Fooling with Devil's Dream (was Re: Halloween)

Don Veino sharedweight_net at veino.com
Thu Oct 12 10:24:19 PDT 2017

I like the A parts motion of this trad dance (thanks Bob for posting!).
Seeing this got my brain going while I was running my errands this
morning... and out popped these two multi-swing retakes. I hope they're
unique but please let me know should you have info otherwise.


The Devil's a Swinger - DI - Don Veino 20171012

A respin on the traditional dance Devil's Dream to incorporate swings yet
retain some of the tradtional feel.

Starts with the 1s facing down in the center and 2s facing up on the

A1 (6,2) 1s go down center/2s go up outside - 1s turn as couple, 2s turn
   [I'd probably teach/prompt "centers as couples, outsides turn alone" as
it fits both instances]
   (6,2) 1s go up center/2s go down outside - Handy Hand Allemande 1/2x
same role Neighbor to 2s in center

A2 (6,2) 1s go down outside/2s go up center - 2s turn as couple, 1s turn
   (6,2) 1s go up outside/2s go down center - Right Hand Allemande 1/2x
opposite role Neighbor

B1 Half Hey (G Pass Left to start)
   Neighbor Swing

B2 Long Lines Forward & Back [Alternative: Circle Left 1x]
   1s Swing in Center, all face progression

I ♥ Devil Dogs - DI - Don Veino 20171012

A respin on the traditional dance Devil's Dream to incorporate Partner and
Neighbor swings.

Starts with the 1s facing down in the center and 2s facing up on the

A1 (6,2) 1s go down center/2s go up outside - 1s turn as couple, 2s turn
   [I'd probably teach/prompt "centers as couples, outsides turn alone" as
it fits both instances]
   (6,2) 1s go up center/2s go down outside - Handy Hand Allemande 1/2x
same role Neighbor to 2s in center

A2 (6,2) 1s go down outside/2s go up center - 2s turn as couple, 1s turn
   (6,2) 1s go up outside/2s go down center - Right Hand Allemande 1/2x
opposite role Neighbor

B1 Gents Cross
   Partner Swing

B2 Give & Take to Gents (N Swing), all face progression
   [Alternative: Circle Left 3/4x, Neighbor Swing, all face progression]

On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 10:34 AM, Bob Peterson via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> There’s this no-swing dance, which I got from https://www.
> cambridgefolk.org.uk/contra/dances/devils_dream.html
> The Devil's DreamTraditional
> Improper Contra
> A1
>    - 1s face down and lead down the centre while the 2s face up and go up
>    the outside
>    - all turn alone and lead back to give neighbour nearest hand and half
>    turn neighbour
> A2
>    - 1s facing down the outside and 2s up the middle: lead up or down
>    again
>       - you promenade in the same direction both times
>    - all turn alone and lead back to give *left* hands to neighbour
> B1
>    - turn neighbour into a full ladies chain across
> B2
>    - half promenade neighbour across set
>    - half right and left back
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