[Callers] Publishing dances on the web

Luke Donforth luke.donev at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 20:26:15 PDT 2017

Hi Folks,

I currently have a terrible system for publishing dances I've written on
the web (blog-esque thing in wordpress; really hard to search through).
There's been talk on and off of a big database of dances, but that doesn't
seem to be happening so I thought I should do something for mine.

I'm contemplating better ways of making dances my compositions more
accessible; and since that would be for other people, I'm curious what's
useful for other people.

I'm envisioning four categories of dances; and then just lists of dances
(title & sequence) on those pages. The categories I had in mind:
Family dances
Glossary contras
Unique contras
Odd formations

Are there separate things you'd want to see in a list of dances when you're
going through? Beckets, Closing dances, bouncy/smooth, etc.

I've gotten really attached to Callers Companion (
http://callerscompanion.com/), and really like how it lets searches happen
on dances. Anyone have a good way to incorporate that, or the type of
element checklist/flag it provides, into a web-based interface for dances?

It might also be that most folks don't collect dances from websites; and
this is wasted time. But it does seem like I've obfuscated finding my
compositions, and I regret not making them more available.

Thoughts, opinions, experience, and advice appreciated.


Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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