[Callers] Super easy dances - do they exist?

Linda S. Mrosko via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Jun 17 21:00:21 PDT 2017

I like your approach, Woody.  I've done something similar to some success,
but it's that noise once we get moving to or without the music.  Maybe I
should rethink this part.

On Sat, Jun 17, 2017 at 10:46 PM, Woody Lane via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I always start my pre-dance workshop with a 2-handed turn. If necessary, I
> demonstrate it with someone. Then I teach allemande left, allemande right,
> and dos-i-do. Then I sometimes ask the band to play a tune 2-3 times at a
> relatively fast tempo, and I make up a silly dance using only those
> figures, where the partners only dance with each other (no progression,
> although that would be fun -- just call "move to the next person!"). It
> doesn't take long before everyone is smiling and laughing, but the main
> thing is that they are doing the moves and listening to the calls and
> learning to trust my voice.
> Woody
> --
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Woody Lane
> Caller, Percussive Dancer
> Roseburg, Oregon
> http://www.woodylanecaller.com
> home: 541-440-1926 <(541)%20440-1926> cell: 541-556-0054
> <(541)%20556-0054>
> ------------------------------
> On 6/17/2017 10:07 AM, Linda S. Mrosko via Callers wrote:
> 2-hand turns --  one year I was teaching a dance that had a 2-hand turn --
> which I discovered was beyond their comprehension.  Lots of blank faces and
> a few tried to hold onto each other and turn under their own arches.  I
> grabbed a young fellow close by and demonstrated a 2-hand turn and there
> was a huge "ahhhh" from the group.  Who'd have thought that was a foreign
> term for 18-year olds.  Why don't they teach this stuff in school anymore?
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*Looking forward,Linda S. Mrosko*

*102 Mitchell Drive*

*Temple, Texas 76501*

*(903) 292-3713 (Cell)*
*(903) 603-9955 (Skype)*
*contradancetx.com <http://www.contradancetx.com>*

*www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy* <http://www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy*> (Dance
buttons, t-shirts, & more)*
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