[Callers] Super easy dances - do they exist?

John Sweeney via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sat Jun 17 10:01:40 PDT 2017

Hi Linda,
	Do you try to teach them a Ballroom Hold Swing? I.e. a standard contra swing?  I never use that for one night stands.

	For first-timers I always teach them to put their right forearms together, gently hook their hand around their partner’s elbow, with the thumb below so that they can’t grip, make a hook with their left hands and join them underneath. And don’t lean back! This gives really good connection with space between them.  The space means that they can each do any footwork (walk, skip, polka, chassis, buzz) without worrying about stepping on each other. The space also makes it more comfortable from a personal viewpoint.

	I love the Gypsy into a Swing – I teach them to start the Gypsy, "join right arms, join left hands, swing".  I always demonstrate and most of them then make a decent job of swinging.

	Or you can always do it as a Two-Hand Turn – nice big oval at shoulder level. 

	But no, I wouldn’t do Tony's dance with first-timers.  My standard first timer circle mixer is my:

Virginia Reel Circle Mixer #24 

A1:	Partner Arm Right; Partner Arm Left

A2:	Partner Dosido; Partner Seesaw 

B1:	Partner Gypsy Meltdown

B2:	Promenade around the circle; Men (those on the inside) move on then face new partner

Or Diane Silver’s Kid's Chaos Mixer #3 - Scatter (Mixer)

A1:	(In fours) Circle Left; Circle right (Slip)

A2:	Star Right; Star Left

B1:	Neighbour Two Hand Turn; Partner Two Hand Turn

B2:	Partner Promenade (Scatter) and find a new couple

Make sure some of you promenade in random directions and against the flow.
OK to end up as 1, 2, 3, 4 couples together – chaos!

Alt B1: Neighbour Dosido; Partner Dosido

Alt B1: Partner Swing/Turn; Neighbour Swing/Turn – makes it a Mixer

Or Dosido the one you brought, now Dosido someone new - Promenade with this one

            Happy dancing,			
John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574			
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events & DVDs			
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent			

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