[Callers] Totals for taxes

Luke Donforth via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Mon Jan 16 20:25:24 PST 2017

Hello all,

2016 is done, which for me means I can total up my calling for taxes and

It doesn't come up here very often; but payment and mileage and whatnot is
the unglamorous logistics side of calling. I figure it's worth sharing that
type of information as well, so folks can be informed as they think about
ramping up their calling.

I'm rounding, but in looking back at 2016 in review, it comes to roughly::
50 gigs
30 night on the road
10000 miles flown
5000 miles driven
Earned $8000

A gig there is everything from fundraisers for the local library to week
long dance camps.

I apologize if that seems forward. It's information that I'd would have
liked to have had to weigh as I started calling; and as I balance my
calling against my day job and my time with family.

I'm curious to hear what others are willing to share (on list, or
privately) about their own financial/mileage impacts. I can break things
out in private conversations if anyone wants to get into the weeds. (I
admit, I like the occasional foray into data analysis).

Happy new year to you all! I hope you're calling as much as you want, and
that your taxes are easy!

Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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