[Callers] Contra friendly squares

John Sweeney via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Oct 16 08:00:57 PDT 2016

Hi Ron,
       Here are some figures that might fit your needs.  But you also need
some breaks/choruses that contra dancers will find easy; you don’t have to
use ones shown with the figures.

Chippenham Square by Colin Hume
Geezy Peezy by Larry Edelman
Banjos in Love by Erik Hoffman in Contradictions:
Deer Park Lancers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ1D5IZt_dc
The Lucky One by Tom Hinds in Bad Hair Decade
Perceptual Motion by Tom Hinds
Camille’s Quadrille by Walter Lenk
Beaver Lake Jig by Ted Sanella
  (if the men mess up the first move, then get the ladies to go to their
left hand man for the allemande right instead – the ladies are often much
better than the men!)

Western Quadrille (from Chip Hendrickson) – based on Powell’s First Sett No.
3 – 1848
A1: Men Star Left (Hands Across); Star Right, take Left with Partner to form
intersecting Waves
A2: Balance the Wave (L/R), Partner Allemande Left 1/2
     Balance the Wave (L/R), Partner Allemande Left 3/4
B1: All Four Ladies Chain Half Way x2 – finish by sending the Lady around
the outside on to the next Man and turning Left to pick up your Corner
B2: Corner Promenade to Man's Home
(Original was Ladies’ Stars, but that makes the end of A2 an Allemande Left
1 & 1/4 in four beats)

Or for a slightly more complex one on the same theme:
Parisian Star https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzdwHF2EZ_k

	Hope that helps.  If you want any of the instructions please e-mail
me off-list.

            Happy dancing,			
John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802
940 574			
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events & DVDs			
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent			

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