[Callers] Microphones and/or technique for a deep voice.

Darwin Gregory via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed May 18 19:09:48 PDT 2016

I am a new caller, and I have called two dances.  The first, I completely
blew the microphone part. Since then, I practiced holding the mic close to
my mouth like was suggested to me.

The second dnce, I was told that my voice was too deep for the microphone,
and I was overpowering it.  It was suggested that I hold the microphone
further away and project, which I tried, but again, not something I

Someone afterwards suggested that it could have been dealt with by the
sound board.  Although, the sound guy was sitting there and I'm sure would
have done something if it would have helped.

So, any advice?  Is there a particular mic or mic type that is good for
deep voices?  Any techniques to practice?  Sound guy/gal need to be on the

Any advice welcome.

... Darwin
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