[Callers] Young Adult Rose

JD Erskine via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Sun Mar 27 17:09:40 PDT 2016

On 2016-03-27 1324, Kalia Kliban via Callers wrote:
> I called Young Adult Rose last night and experienced a near-complete
> dancer revolt about the shadow allemande.  The dance is written with a
> circle left 3/4, pass P by R along the line then allemande shadow R 1x,
> before coming back to P for a balance and swing.  The dancers all
> _really_ wanted to do the allemande by the left.  I tried calling it a
> few times with the R hand, then gave up and called it L and they were
> all much happier.  Anyone else experienced this?
> Kalia

I don't have the dance mentioned so I started to analyse what I'd be 
able to respond to by reformatting the above to short lines of complete, 
necessary words. I just couldn't picture it in the narrative style.

It looked like I was missing something for my understanding of the 
dance. I didn't find it on-line, however looking in my personal archives 
of this list I found a discussion about the dance from 2012.10.26-28

According to one poster Young Adult Rose _is_ danced with an allemande left.

Young Adult Rose

Dup imp/L2i

A1 N Bal. & Sw
A2 Cir. L 3/4, pass through
       Shadow Al. L 1x
B1 P Bal. & Sw
B2 Ladies Chain
      LH Star 1x

"identical to "Baby" except for the A2."

Cheers, John
J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC

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