[Callers] That g word

Erik Hoffman via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Jan 22 09:44:09 PST 2016

Reminds me of a mediation I was sort of part of, where a pure-breed 
female dog was unsuccessfully inseminated by another of that breed. 
"Bitch" and "Stud" were used liberally, and, of course, accurately...

(It was a small claims court, we mediated, and the resulting 
decision--validated by the small claims judge--was: the person who owned 
the bitch got the pick of a litter from a bitch owned by the person with 
the stud. A result that would never have occurred had it gone to a 
judge. Both parties were satisfied with the result, if not exactly happy.)

~erik hoffman
     oakland, ca

On 1/22/2016 9:15 AM, Martha Wild via Callers wrote:
> And I don’t ban those words from my conversation if they are 
> appropriate and in context. My daughter raises chickens. We talk about 
> the cocks and the hens. In the lab the carboys have stopcocks on them. 
> I have friends called Dick and I use their right name. Context is 
> important, though if I were in the presence of an English language 
> learner I might be careful assuming my listeners were not as familiar 
> with different words. But that is also context.
> Martha
>> On Jan 22, 2016, at 9:04 AM, Ron Blechner <contraron at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:contraron at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> It also means that I refrain from the following word uses:
>> "Gay" meaning happy.
>> "Cock" meaning rooster.
>> "Pussy" meaning cat.
>> "Douche" meaning to shower.
>> This, as an aside, was a funny email to write. Apologies for any 
>> offended, but I use slang/swear words to make a serious point, and 
>> we're all mature here. I hope.
>> Ron
>> On Jan 22, 2016 12:01 PM, "Ron Blechner" <contraron at gmail.com 
>> <mailto:contraron at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Sargon,
>>     You and I don't get to decide what millions of people think a
>>     word means. it's the nature of language. Logic often has no
>>     bearing on it.
>>     In the same way "negro" is derived from Latin for "black", and
>>     aptly may describe a color, it's still inappropriate and
>>     offensive in most human contexts nowadays.
>>     When a word stereotypes a group of people, the only ones who get
>>     to decide the proper use of that word is... that group of people.
>>     ...
>>     As for contra communities, until there's more groundswell of
>>     support for changing "gypsy", it's an uphill battle. I think
>>     perhaps the smart thing for those of us concerned with not using
>>     the word is to educate. At the same time, I fully respect callers
>>     choosing to use their own replacements.
>>     Ron Blechner
>>     On Jan 22, 2016 11:50 AM, <sargondj at gmail.com
>>     <mailto:sargondj at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         I disagree. If it is fair to condemn a word despite
>>         widespread ignorance of its racist etymology (such as the
>>         very real problem with the verb "gyp"), then the inverse must
>>         be true: it is fair to exonerate a word despite widespread
>>         ignorance of its non-racist etymology (e.g., niggardly). That
>>         a word falsely gets attributed to a category in which it
>>         doesn't belong is irrelevant. If two separate
>>         meanings/derivations converge to an identically spelled
>>         modern word, I don't believe the innocent word (when used in
>>         its original context) deserves to be written off. Let us
>>         truly abide by what you claim to support: its current use
>>         *is* relevant.
>>         On Jan 21, 2016, at 13:25, Ron Blechner via Callers
>>         <callers at lists.sharedweight.net
>>         <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
>>>         Martha,
>>>         Regardless of whether it was derived from Welsh hundreds of
>>>         years ago, would you say more than 0.1% of dancers know
>>>         that? Or, do you think 99.9%+ of dancers associate "gypsy"
>>>         the dance move with the slang for wandering people?
>>>         Regardless of its origin, its current use is relevant.
>>>         Ron
>>>         On Jan 21, 2016 12:15 PM, "Martha Wild via Callers"
>>>         <callers at lists.sharedweight.net
>>>         <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
>>>             As mentioned, there are many words we use that are even
>>>             considered impolite but only depending on context. The
>>>             nickname for Richard, for example. Lots of men proudly
>>>             use that as their name, but it’s also a really offensive
>>>             term. The name Randy has other contexts, yet we use it
>>>             without any problem in the context of someone with that
>>>             as their name. (Note the use of the plural for the
>>>             generic singular pronoun, which I’ve done for years,
>>>             unhappy with he/him for that term and that just sort of
>>>             started happening). If our word actually came down from
>>>             Welsh, and has no relationship to the Romani whatsoever,
>>>             then it would seem even more reason to recognize that it
>>>             is context dependent and completely divorced from the
>>>             pejorative use of the unfortunately similar word in
>>>             other countries.
>>>             Martha
>>>>             On Jan 21, 2016, at 5:56 AM, Janet Bertog via Callers
>>>>             <callers at lists.sharedweight.net
>>>>             <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
>>>>             I have contacted Carol and have begun a discussion.  I
>>>>             still have several unanswered questions but one thing I
>>>>             did learn is that the Romani have claimed the word and
>>>>             deemed it offensive and feel it should not be used, in
>>>>             any context, in any language.  More about why she
>>>>             herself uses the word later. One thing I asked her was
>>>>             about her insistence on the use of a capital G.  To me,
>>>>             this would indicate that Gypsy would refer to the
>>>>             ethnicity, while gypsy would have a possibly completely
>>>>             different meaning.
>>>>             We know that gipsy/gip was being used in country dances
>>>>             at least in 1909 when Cecil Sharp wrote them down.  Two
>>>>             of the three dances in the 1909 book originated in the
>>>>             1500s, one ECD and one Morris Dance from Scotland.  We
>>>>             do not know if they originally used the terms gip/gipsy
>>>>             in the 1500s, but we do know that gip, at least, has
>>>>             another meaning in Welsh (a celtic language) - gaze or
>>>>             glance.
>>>>             So, my conversation with Carol is ongoing, and
>>>>             unresolved. But if you feel that a group can claim a
>>>>             word and then claim that it is a slur, there are a lot
>>>>             of other words you should stop using as well.
>>>>             Janet
>>>>             On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 3:00 AM, Erik Hoffman via
>>>>             Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net
>>>>             <mailto:callers at lists.sharedweight.net>> wrote:
>>>>                 What's in a word? As this list points out, it gets
>>>>                 confusing.
>>>>                 Like Martha, I stopped using "Ladies," and "Gents,"
>>>>                 or "Gentlemen," because they are words steeped in
>>>>                 class-ism. And after years of being told we live in
>>>>                 a classless society, the lie of that became clear.
>>>>                 But, more recently I was approached by a man who
>>>>                 felt "Ladies," and "Gents" were roles anyone could
>>>>                 play whereas "Men" and "Women" really did refer to
>>>>                 what was between our legs, and made it more
>>>>                 uncomfortable to switch roles. Also, even though we
>>>>                 live in a severely class society, the words
>>>>                 "Ladies" and "Gents" don't seem to carry that
>>>>                 weight any more.
>>>>                 Then again, in Berkeley we've switched to "gender
>>>>                 free," and use "Ravens" and "Larks" now.
>>>>                 This is all to say, those who come to the dance
>>>>                 have many differing associations with words. And
>>>>                 sometimes it is important that we listen.
>>>>                 Take "He" and "She." We all know that "He" has been
>>>>                 the generic pronoun where "She" refers only to
>>>>                 women. Since we live in a society dominated by the
>>>>                 patriarchal Christian religion, it's clear that
>>>>                 using "He" and "Him" generically supports this
>>>>                 concept. Many of us, in the sixties and seventies
>>>>                 counteracted this male dominance by using "She" and
>>>>                 "Her" as the generic pronoun. It was startling how
>>>>                 different it feels to switch to those. There are
>>>>                 now corners pushing to just use "They" and "Them"
>>>>                 for everyone, like we use "you" for both plural and
>>>>                 singular. Maybe it will take hold...
>>>>                 But all this is to say, these little words do have
>>>>                 an affect on how we think about things.
>>>>                 So now we are thinking about "gypsy." Or, better
>>>>                 with capitalization, "Gypsy." Is it derogatory?  To
>>>>                 some, not all. Is that reason enough to change?
>>>>                 Perhaps for some. I've started using "Right
>>>>                 Shoulder Turn," and "Left Shoulder Turn." It
>>>>                 doesn't slide off the tongue, an isn't as colorful,
>>>>                 but it is more descriptive. At Contra Carnivale,
>>>>                 Susan Michaels said someone had come up with
>>>>                 "Roma-around," or "Romaround.."
>>>>                 So we're all dealing with it, and considering this as:
>>>>                 Some of us are attached to our words, and don't
>>>>                 want to loose it. Some of us are vociferous about
>>>>                 keeping it. And some of us are searching for a
>>>>                 substitute that might work better. Seems about right.
>>>>                 Mostly, I want to suggest, as we struggle with
>>>>                 this, consider how our language and word choice
>>>>                 does affect others, whether we mean it to or not.
>>>>                 As callers, we are in the public eye--granted a
>>>>                 small pond of the public--but our words do go out
>>>>                 there and cause others to think, too.
>>>>                 What's in a word? A lot.
>>>>                 ~erik hoffman
>>>>                     oakland, ca
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