[Callers] On Balances, Box circulates, Allemandes, Circles & Timing

Alan Winston via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Wed Aug 24 01:03:13 PDT 2016

On 8/23/16 8:10 PM, Don Veino via Callers wrote:
> Following this logic, where an on-time arrival is essential out of a 
> star it would be best to make it hands-across (H-A). In a H-A star, 
> folks can use a similar arm angle adjustment to vary the star 
> circumference (and resulting speed). Due to the configuration, there's 
> less opportunity to gently* influence star speed with the pack 
> saddle/hand-on-wrist form.
> BTW, in dances featuring a star where a pair drop out I mention 
> there's no need to shove your opposite away at disengagement - 
> centrifugal force will gently take care of it once you let go of them. 
> This is a curious bit which only seems to happen in this case - I've 
> never received a parting shove when an "everybody" H-A star breaks up, 
> but there's always someone in the line doing it in the drop out variant.
> *
I find that a lot - maybe most - gents in the SF Bay Area will do a push 
off on dropping out of a hands-across star, and since I'm expecting it I 
kind of like it and offer a rigid-enough arm to be pushed off from.

On the other hand, it's a very small minority of gents who'll push off 
from a star promenade, and I wish it were more.  (There's a lot of 'em 
who'll just drop the allemande hand once they've picked up the lady 
they're promenading with, and then the figure is really, really 

-- Alan
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