[Callers] Gypsy Synopsis

JD Erskine iDance via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Fri Oct 30 14:36:26 PDT 2015

On 2015-10-30 1408, John Sweeney via Callers wrote:
> Pleas could you clarify how you intend to pronounce "gyre"?
> I have been saying "gyre" with a hard "g" as in "give" or "gimble".
> But if it is related to "gyrate" then maybe people are using a soft "g" and
> making it sound like "jire".
> Which do you use?  Thanks.

> Happy dancing,
> John

My paper Oxford Concise appears to have it as a soft or "j" consonant 
(from the Greek, guros, or ring.)

On-line, so obviously up to date, it appears it may be either

gyre - definition of gyre in English from the Oxford dictionary
Here they place the origin with both Greek and Latin.

I know of it as movement or place of movement within a body of water.

Most folks I've heard pronounce it as in gyrfalcon, gyrate, gyro (gyro 
compass), jive, java ;)

TTFN, John
- geographer, mariner
J.D. Erskine
Victoria, BC

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