[Callers] Caller needed this Sunday, Framingham MA, 4-5:30, private gig, pays decently.

Amy Cann via Callers callers at lists.sharedweight.net
Tue Nov 10 18:07:02 PST 2015

Hi folks. I need to hand off this gig to be at a memorial service.

This is a dance celebrating the installation of an old student and dear
friend of mine as the new pastor at the Framingham UCC church.

Expect 150-200 people to be at the installation in the sanctuary; how many
choose to dance afterwards in the church hall and for how long is a
question mark -- probably 75 for the first dance, 50 for the second, 30 for
the third/fourth, and 16 close friends of the brand new Reverand for the
final one, if I had to guess. Community/family dance repertoire, not
hard-core contra.

Budget is 400; I'm willing to pitch in 50$ of my own to bring it up to 150

I'm very sorry to be missing this, but the memorial concert for a colleague
who recently, suddenly, and sadly passed away has to take precedence.

I'd welcome suggestions for family-dance-savvy callers within reasonable
driving range who might not be regularly reading this board.

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