[Musicians] A question about sharing music notation online

Emily Addison emilyladdison at gmail.com
Mon Oct 30 08:54:03 PDT 2017

Wonderful Erik!
I'll dig up Saddle the Pony.
As well as us doing lots of modern things, we'd like to work up 5-6
Chestnuts and play them within the tradition. :) :)

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:39 AM, Erik Hoffman <erik at erikhoffman.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> It is traditional to play the tune. In the old days it would have been
> just the tune. When medlies became normal, the modern standard is:
> Signature Tune, Other Tune, last two or three times: Signature Tune again.
> Saddle the Pony has been used by a number of bands, since it was used as
> an alternate tune on the New England Chestnuts LP.
> BTW: I’m glad you’re doing this. I always find it funny when callers say,
> “as in Rory O’More,” and when I look around I find 99 percent of the people
> have no idea what Rory O’More is…
> Cheers,
> ~Erik
> *From:* Musicians [mailto:musicians-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net] *On
> Behalf Of *Emily Addison via Musicians
> *Sent:* Monday, October 30, 2017 7:49 AM
> *To:* musicians at sharedweight.net
> *Subject:* [Musicians] A question about sharing music notation online
> Hi All,
> A question for you about general etiquette on posting recently composed
> tunes (as in last 20-30yrs).
> I've seen MANY MANY recently composed tunes online through websites like
> The Session but also contra websites too.  Often these are posted by
> someone other than the composer and it's not listed as to whether they have
> permission to post.
> Here in Ottawa, our community band (we're not pros and play almost all our
> gigs for free.), we're working on learning a varied contra music repertoire
> for dancing.  In fact, our community band is called 'Stolen Goods' as we're
> about learning from others.
> I've been thinking that it would be nice to post our sets online as part
> of the wider sharing so that others can benefit... just like we've
> benefited from looking at what others (like SPUDS) have posted.
> What's the etiquette here?
> For instance, we play a handful of Keith Murphy tunes and he's got books.
> And we have Larry Unger and others too...
> If we post a few is that ok?  Seems that's what others do, especially in
> irish and quebecois traditions but I'm just not sure as some of the contra
> musicians have tune books.  Could refer to a few tune books.
> Also, we've written out a few sets from other bands (e.g., one from Wild
> Asparagus) as we're trying to learn from their groove/chord lines etc. and
> we are just a local learning band that plays for 20 dancers.   If we only
> have 1-2 from a particular band, are those ok to post?
> Looking for your thoughts!
> By no means do I need to post of course... ... .just interested in giving
> back to the wider community what we've been learning over the last number
> of years.
> With thanks :)
> Emily Addison in Ottawa
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