[Callers] What can you do.....?

tom hinds tomthecaller at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 29 14:18:24 PDT 2019

>> What I'm talking about here is that there's choreography that seems fairly inevitable - if you're going to circle left into a half-poussette isn't the probable direction of the half-poussette pretty obvious, or if you did a clockwise half poussette into a mad robin why should you even have to use a role name to say who goes through the middle first?  Getting it wrong requires fighting your momentum - and some people will do that.  [Although if they're generally tentative, or late, or executing one call and stopping and then executing the next call, then they don't have appropriate momentum anyway.]
>> -- Alan
I know exactly what you’re talking about.
I’m wondering if beginners do circle left followed by circle right earlier in the evening, would they expect that kind of reverse flow to be the norm latter on?
I think that Becky’s comments are really valuable.  I’ll make an effort to include those tips for the benefit of the less experienced dancers and not make the assumption that the flow is so obvious that I don’t need to mention it.
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