[Callers] Public Dance, Ideas Wanted

Luke Donforth luke.donev at gmail.com
Tue Sep 10 12:36:05 PDT 2019

Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for taking a gig like this on! It can be challenging, but it's a
great way to get the word out about dancing; which is vital to having
dancers :-)

Are you in the middle of the day? Or late afternoon into the evening? I
ask, because I think that'll influence how many kids you get. It's a lot
easier to do non-mixers if there are a bunch of kids (especially if they
don't know each other). Many circle mixers can be run as circle keepers; so
adjust as the crowd warrants (if I'm running a mixer as a keeper, I usually
won't run it as long).

Setting up a pattern of "longways dance, circle dance, other; longways,
circle, other" can be a good plan to give the feeling of variety even when
the moves are similar. "Others" include squares, scatter mixers, small
sets, waltzes, etc.

For a deep collection of resources, I'd like to point you towards New
England Dance Masters:
their 5 books have a bunch of stuff that would be useful for this.

In terms of dance cards, here's a plethora; organized by type. I use La
Bastringue, Kings and Queens, Road to Boston, Charge and Drag, Animal
Parade, Scatter Shot, The Wheel, Green Mountain Ski Wedding, and Galopede
the most.

Set List: 9/10/2019 at Shared ONS dances

#1  -------------------------

La Bastringue
by (Traditional)
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle: forward and back
(8) Circle: forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
B1 -----------
(8) New Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(16) Partner Promenade

#2  -------------------------

Road to Boston (Heel Toe Polka)
by (Traditional)
Circle Mixer/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) take 2 hands with P, inside foot "heel, toe, heel toe," 4 sashays to
the middle
(8) same thing, starting with outside foot, 4 sashays back out
A2 -----------
(8) take 2 hands with P, inside foot "heel, toe, heel toe," 4 sashays to
the middle
(8) same thing, starting with outside foot, 4 sashays back out
B1 -----------
(mixer) walk straight past current partner (M CCW, W CW)
Swing new Partner
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade Partner

#3  -------------------------

Cabot School Mixer
by Ted Sannella
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Right
(8) all go forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(6) Corner allemande Right 1x
(6) Partner allemande Left 1x
B1 -----------
(6) Corner Do-si-do
(8) Corner swing (now new partner)
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade with this new Partner

#4  -------------------------

Went and Did
by Luke Donforth
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
A2 -----------
(8) all the Larks forward and back
(8) all the ravens forward, turn and back facing current partner
B1 -----------
(16) partner balance and swing,
end facing around the oval (cw), Ravens on the inside
B2 -----------
(8) promenade around the oval
Ravens turn back
(8) swing the next, who is your now your new partner

#5  -------------------------

Waiting in the Swings
by Chris Page
Circle Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8)  forward and back
(4) circle left
(4) Larks roll person left to right (p2)
A2 -----------
(4) circle left
(4) Larks roll person left to right (p3)
(8) swing new p4 (on lark’s l, not the one you just rolled)
B1 -----------
(16) promenade counterclockwise (Larks on inside)
B2 -----------
(3) Ravens turn over right shoulder
(4) pass partner p3 by left
(9) partner p2 swing

#6  -------------------------

Mash-Up Mixer
by Chris Page
Circle Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Balance and slide to the right (as in Rory O’More)
(8) Balance and slide to the left (as in Rory O’More)
A2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
B1 -----------
(16) Promenade around set ccw, lark’s inside
B2 -----------
(8) ravens forward and back
(8) Larks forward, turn alone, return to circular wave (left hand to old
partner, right hand to new partner)

#7  -------------------------

Grand Right & Left Mixer
by Chris Page
Circle Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Forward and back
(8) Corner See-Saw
A2 -----------
(8) Corner allemande left 1
(Face away from corner, give right to current ptr to start the grand right
and left.)
(8) Grand right and left past four (P1R, P2L, P3R, P4L)
B1 -----------
(4) New partner P5 right-hand balance
(12) and swing
B2 -----------
(16) promenade with partner ccw (Larks inside)
[re-entry point if lost]

#8  -------------------------

Sashay the Donut
by  unknown
Sicilian Circle/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner allemande Right
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Left
(8) Partner two hand turn
B1 -----------
Everyone make space
(16) One couple sashays around the central corridor of the circle
-Freight train variant, next couple immediately follows; etc. Get back to
place and jump apart
B2 -----------

#9  -------------------------

The Wheel
by Gene Hubert
Circle Mixer/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade Partner
A2 -----------
(8) 2 hand turn partner, leave Ravens on the inside
(8) facing partner, in to the middle and back
B1 -----------
Hands in Gender Rings
(16) Circle to the Left
B2 -----------
(16) New Partner swing

#10  -------------------------

Coke the Floor
by Marian Rose
Circle Mixer/Other

A1 -----------
(8) In the circle, into the middle and back
(8) Do it again, but on the way back, larks turn to face ptr with their
back to middle
A2 -----------
(8) All individual sashay to right
(8) All individual sashay to left
B1 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
B2 -----------
(8) Promenade around circle
ravens turn back over their right shoulder as larks continue to walk forward
(8) Promenade with next

#11  -------------------------

Clouds of Incense
by Maia McCormick
Circle Mixer/Other

A1 -----------
(8) Big circle go forward and back
(8) Big circle go forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Right 1-1/2
(8) Neighbor allemande Left 1
B1 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing
(Or Do-Si-Do & swing)
B2 -----------
(8) promenade ccw, Ravens outside
(8) Ravens turn back and swing next

#12  -------------------------

Franklin Revival
by Luke Donforth
Sicilian Circle/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
Both circles circle left until back to your partner
two hand turn your partner
A2 -----------
Both circles circle right until back to your partner
do si do your partner
B1 -----------
One couple leads a sashay around the donut, going through the alley between
the two rings. When they pass, the next couple starts off. (Not 1st couple
B2 -----------

#13  -------------------------

Bob Dalsemer’s Circle Mixer
by Bob Dalsemer
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade around

A2 -----------
(8) Larks continue single file, ravens turn back single file
(8) All turn back, promenade back past partner
B1 -----------
(8) New Partner allemande Left
(8) Partner allemande Right
B2 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing

#14  -------------------------

Default circle mixer
by  unknown
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) Long lines, forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Right 1X
(8) Long lines, forward and back
B1 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Left 1
(8) Partner allemande Right 1
B2 -----------
(8) Neighbor Do-si-do
(8) Neighbor swing
->new partner

#15  -------------------------

Lucky Seven
by (Traditional)
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
A2 -----------
(8) All forward and back
(8) Partner Do-si-do
B1 -----------
(16) Grand Right and Left
Count, 1 (right) 2 (left)... 6 (left), 7 (elbow) swing
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade around

#16  -------------------------

Welcome New Friends
by Dale Rempert
Circle Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Right
(8) All forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) All forward, on way back; roll partner raven away with half sashay (W
move L)
B1 -----------
(16) NEW Partner balance and swing
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade

#17  -------------------------

January Mixer
by Bob Dalsemer
Circle Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade as couples
A2 -----------
(8) Larks continue single file, ravens turn back single file
(8) Everybody turn back, pass partner
B1 -----------
(8) With Next (new P) allemande Left
(8) Partner allemande Right
B2 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing

#18  -------------------------

Highland Gates
by Peter Amadon
Circle Mixer/Improper

A1 -----------
Go all around the circle^3 till the highland gates are closed (Circle left,
optional right)
A2 -----------
Go up and down the ladder^3 till the highland gates are closed (in and out
B1 -----------
Go in and out the windows^3 till the the highland gates are closed
(make arches, inner folks duck in and out)
B2 -----------
kneel down and choose a partner^3, till the highland gates are closed
(find a partner, and kneel down in front of them)
C1 -----------
swing and turn your partner^3, till the highland gates are closed
(two hand turn your partner, then separate and dance around on the inside)

#19  -------------------------

Something (circle keeper)
by (Traditional)
Circle Mixer/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) Circle Right 1X
A2 -----------
(8) in the the middle and back
(8) ___________ go into the middle
B1 -----------
(16) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade the ring

#20  -------------------------

by (Traditional)
Circle Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade with partner
outsides turn around
A2 -----------
(8) promenade single file
all turn around
(8) promenade back
pass partner
B1 -----------
(8) Neighbor allemande Left 1
(8) Neighbor allemande Right 1
B2 -----------
(8) Neighbor Do-si-do
(8) Neighbor swing; this is your new partner

#21  -------------------------

Grand Right and Vowel
by  unknown
Circle Mixer/Improper

A1 -----------
(8) In a big ring go forward and back
(8) In a big ring go forward and back
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Right
(8) Partner allemande Left
B1 -----------
Grand right and left five times
A - E - I - O - U!
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade around the ring

#22  -------------------------

Scatter Shot
by (Traditional)
Scatter Mixer/Other/Beginner

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade with Partner
find neighbor couples
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
B1 -----------
(8) Left hand Star
(8) Right hand Star
B2 -----------
(8) Neighbor Do-si-do (person near you who isn’t your partner)
(8) Neighbor swing or (two hand turn)

#23  -------------------------

Star Stuff
by Chris Page
Scatter Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Individually Promenade
(8) Find someone and swing
A2 -----------
(16) Promenade as couple (in star prom style, arms around backs)

B1 -----------
(8)  with some (1-4) other couples, larks star left, while still
promenading partner [3]
(8)  counterclockwise butterfly whirl n+1/2 times (Larks backup, ravens
forward) [4]
B2 -----------
(8)  ravens star promenade right with partner
(~7) clockwise butterfly whirl (ravens backup, Larks forward)
(1)  Larks go forward, ravens turn over right shoulder

#24  -------------------------

Basket Chase
by Chris Page
Scatter Mixer/Improper/Easy

A1 -----------
(8) Promenade individually, then start picking up other people and [1]
(8) Promenade in lines of 3 to 6 people
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) Basket swing [2]
B1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) Balance the ring and spin to the right (petronella)
B2 -----------
(8) Balance the ring and spin to the right (petronella)
(8) Balance the ring and spin to the right (petronella) 1.5, face out and
scatter prom

#25  -------------------------

Waltz Roll
by (Traditional)
Scatter Mixer/Other

A1 -----------
In small circles* of couples - designate movers and posts
Waltz in and out, then roll neighbor away
Waltz in and out, then roll next neighbor away
A2 -----------
Waltz in and out, then roll next neighbor away
Waltz in and out, then roll next neighbor away
B1 -----------
(Can interject other moves, stars, square throughs, etc)
Waltz with partner

B2 -----------
Waltz with partner to join in with other folks

#26  -------------------------

Silly Star Mixer
by  unknown
Scatter Mixer/Proper

A1 -----------
(16) Promenade and find two other couple
A2 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right

B1 -----------
(8) Right Hands across star
(8) Left Hands across star
B2 -----------
(4~6)Starting with the bottom couple, pull your new partner through
(12~10) Partner swing

#27  -------------------------

by (Traditional)
Scatter Mixer/Other

A1 -----------
Sasha, Sasha
raz - doz - tri
right right right, left left left, both both both, knees knees knees
right right right, left left left, both both both, knees knees knees
A2 -----------
Right elbow turn
(shout) Hey!
Left elbow turn
(shout) Hey!
B1 -----------
Dosvedanya (goodbye)

Prom single the
B2 -----------

#28  -------------------------

Accretion Reel
by Chris Page
Scatter Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(4) Balance Ring
(4) Turn alone to scatter prom alone (say goodbye)
(8) Wander around the floor

A2 -----------
(16) partner gyre and swing
B1 -----------
(16) Scatter prom as couples
Find a couple
B2 -----------
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right

#29  -------------------------

Bridge of Athlone (Cat and Mouse)
by  unknown

A1 -----------
Top couple sashay down and back

A2 -----------
Peel the banana, make an arch; rest come through

B1 -----------
Top couple is cast and mouse, mouse runs between walls (middle of set), cat
runs outside walls (outside of set)
Switch at top, to couple down to bottom
B2 -----------
Partner swing

#30  -------------------------

Rural Felicity (Country drive through a coverd bridge)
by  unknown

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Top couple sashay to the bottom
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) active couple sashay back up to the top
B1 -----------
All make arches
Top couple come through the covered bridge
B2 -----------

#31  -------------------------

by (Traditional)

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) All pass through and turn in place
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) All pass through and turn in place (at home)
B1 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner 2-hand turn
B2 -----------
(16) Top Couple Sashay down to bottom (or down as far as they can go and
then back up)
Other couples move up

#32  -------------------------

Animal Parade
by Rachel Nevitt & Luke Donforth

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Partner allemande Left
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Right
(8) Partner two hand swing or DSD
B1 -----------
“top” couple walk to bottom, miming the animal of their choice
Come back to top
B2 -----------
Top couple peels off to outside, everyone follows
Top couple makes an arch at bottom, rest come though with partner

#33  -------------------------

Orcadia Strip the Willow
by (Traditional)

A1 -----------
Top couple:
(8) Partner Right Elbow Turn 1.5
(8) Neighbor left elbow Turn
A2 -----------
(8) Partner Right Elbow Turn 1.5
(8) New Neighbor left elbow Turn
and so on to bottom
B1 -----------
Start new top couple
B2 -----------

#34  -------------------------

Kings & Queens
by Peter Amadon

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Partner allemande Right
A2 -----------
(8) partner allemande left
(8) gyre partner
B1 -----------
(8) Ones sashay the center
(8) sashay back
B2 -----------
(16) Top couple walk regally to the bottom while the rest wave

#35  -------------------------

Lines of 3
by  unknown

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 1X
(8) Circle Right 1X
A2 -----------
(8) Outsides Do-si-do
(8) Insides Do-si-do
B1 -----------
(8) Outsides Two Hand Turn
(8) Insides Two Hand Turn
B2 -----------
(8) Lines of 3 Forward and Back
(8) Lines of 3 forward and pass through (can shuffle if desired)

#36  -------------------------

by  unknown

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Trade places with Partner (allemande R 1.5 or twirl)
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Trade places with Partner (allemande L 1.5 or twirl)
B1 -----------
(8) Peel Banana down outside
(8) Top couple make an arch, others pass through
B2 -----------
(8) Top couple sashays up ravens side
(8) and Down Larks side to bottom

#37  -------------------------

Allemande Gal
by  unknown

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Top couple sashay down and back
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Right
(8) Partner allemande Left
B1 -----------
(16) Peel Banana from top
B2 -----------
(16) Top couple makes arch, others pass through

#38  -------------------------

Low Backed Car
by  unknown

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
Lead Lark leads his line, skipping, down outside of ravens line and back to
Lead Raven repeats with her line
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Right
(8) Partner allemande Left
B1 -----------
Clap 3x
Stomp 3x
Shake 3x
Clap 3x
B2 -----------
Top Couple Sashay down to the bottom

#39  -------------------------

Pousset scatter (mix or keeper)
by Luke Donforth
Scatter Mixer/Improper/Beginner

A1 -----------
(8) Right hand Star
(8) Left hand Star
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Left 1x
(8) Partner Do-si-do 1.5x end back to back
B1 -----------
Dancers count out loud:
un, du, two, and cry Pousset, butt-push your partner
SCATTER: find a new partner and swing
KEEPER: chase your partner around and swing
B2 -----------
(16) Promenade around
Find another couple

#40  -------------------------

Charge and Drag
by Luke Donforth

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Partner Do-si-do
A2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing (or two hand turn), end facing up the set
and separate
B1 -----------
(16) Top & Bottom couple make arches
Top couple go down over left line; Bottom couple go up over right line
B2 -----------
(8) bottom & top couples charge (sashay) the middle of the set, meet in the
(8) couple below drag couple above to bottom of the set

#41  -------------------------

Revive the High Five
by Luke Donforth

A1 -----------
(4) Long lines slide left
(4) long lines slide right
8) Partner allemande Left 1x
A2 -----------
(4) Long lines slide right
(4) long lines slide left
(8) Partner allemande Right 1x
B1 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing
B2 -----------
(16) Shuffle the set
(Promenade randomly around the room, then come back to a different place to
reform the long set)

#42  -------------------------

by Luke Donforth

A1 -----------
(8) Two Hand Turn Partner
(8) Two Hand Turn Partner other way
A2 -----------
All Together
(8) Circle Left
(8) Circle Right
B1 -----------
(8) In to the middle and back
With your partner, promenade through the middle
B2 -----------
reach another spot on the opposite side of the circle

#43  -------------------------

Green Mountain Ski Wedding
by Luke Donforth

A1 -----------
Whole Group Oval Left until across from partner again
Partner Do-si-do
A2 -----------
Bottom (was top) couple slalom (weave) back and forth up the set
B1 -----------
Whole group oval right until across from partner again
B2 -----------
Partner allemande Left
Partner allemande Right

#44  -------------------------

Skip the line
by  unknown

A1 -----------
One line skips around the other line and back to place
The other line skips around and back to place
A2 -----------
Top couple sashay down and back
B1 -----------
Peel the banana
B2 -----------
swing your partner

#45  -------------------------

Ocean Sampler
by  unknown

A1 -----------
(16) Seahorses lead line around starfitheys
A2 -----------
(16) Starfitheys lead line around seahorses
B1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Long lines, forward and back
B2 -----------
(12) Partner swing
(4) top couple sashay down (seahorse be ready to jump in going around

#46  -------------------------

Un, du, twa, pousset
by (Traditional)

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Partner allemande Right 1x
A2 -----------
(8) Partner allemande Left 1x
(8) Partner Do-si-do 1.5x end back to back
B1 -----------
Dancers count out loud:
un, du, two, and cry Pousset, butt-push your partner, then come back and
B2 -----------
top couple sashay down to the bottom, everyone else scoot up

#47  -------------------------

by (Traditional)

A1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Top couple sashay down to the bottom
A2 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Top couple sashay back to the top
B1 -----------
(8) Partner Do-si-do
(8) Partner swing

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 4:07 AM Jonathan Janzen via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I will be calling a dance at our local State Fair next month. It will be
> open to the public, and we've also invited several Contra Communities
> around the State to join us in helping to introduce people to Contra
> Dancing, and other forms of Folk Dance. I suspect that most people of the
> general public will stay and watch/join maybe 1 or 2 dances, and then they
> will move onto the next exciting thing at the Fair.
> We will have about 3.5 hours to fill, and I want a good variety of dances
> to choose from.
> So my question to you is, what simple, fun, beginner-friendly dances would
> you recommend? Being able to "build up" to more advanced dances I don't
> think will be very possible, simply because we expect a steady stream of
> people joining and leaving at any given moment, so I need a variety of
> simple and fun dances to share that don't require much prior experience.
> I already have several ideas as to some dances to include, but I'd love to
> hear your suggestions.
> They don't have to be Contra-specific, as I'm planning to throw in a few
> circle mixers, and a couple easy English Country Dances as well.
> Maybe Hole in the Wall, or even the Virginia Reel... The genre of the
> dances isn't that important.
> Just any other fun, family dances that you can send my way. Many thanks in
> advance.
> I look forward to reading your suggestions.
> Excitedly,
> JJ.
> _______________________________________________
> List Name:  Callers mailing list
> List Address:  Callers at lists.sharedweight.net
> Archives:  https://www.mail-archive.com/callers@lists.sharedweight.net/

Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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