[Callers] Family Dances

Winston, Alan P. winston at slac.stanford.edu
Thu Sep 5 13:06:47 PDT 2019

Traffic Jam.  (I haven't called this, but here's notation shared by other people on mailing lists. )


Random singletons - no partner

(via Barb Kirchner)

A1: clap 3x, stamp 3x, walk 4 steps


    (it's fun to face people when you do clap/stamp, then walk off and face

     somebody else)

A2: eight sliding steps to the right, eight slides back to the left

B1: make circles of any size, circle left, circle right

B2: break circles, promenade in lines


TRAFFIC JAM (John Krumm)

via David Millstone

no partners needed at start

any standard reel, played AB

(or just done AA then done again to the BB)

Dancers stand individually anywhere on the floor to start.


A  Clap clap clap; Stamp stamp stamp; Walk - 2 - 3 - 4 (repeat all this)

B   Sashay across the hall for 8 counts; Reverse

You try to go in a straight line, but avoiding collisions. "Reverse" doesn't

mean go exactly back where you started, but rather change directions. Do this

half a dozen times or so, then move into...


Turn around, quick! Find someone standing there and stand in front of them.

That's your buddy. On the clapping part, instead of clapping your own hands,

you and your partner clap both hands together with each other. On the walking,

you just hold closer hand and walk four steps with your partner. On the sashay,

you hold both hands and gallop sideways (in the same direction!), still trying

to avoid collisions with other couples. Do this variation a few times, then

move into...


Same as above, except that on the "reverse" caller says "Switch" and you find a

different partner for the sashay back.

"Sasha" is really popular around here, needs a specific tune.

Hope this helps!

From: Callers <callers-bounces at lists.sharedweight.net> on behalf of T Claw via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net>
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:27 PM
To: callers at lists.sharedweight.net <callers at lists.sharedweight.net>
Subject: [Callers] Family Dances

Does anyone have any recommendations, for silly fun called/led dances/figures/games for a family dance that has lots of young kids and perhaps not enough adults joining in the mix?

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