[Callers] Fuel-efficient dancing

Richard Hopkins hopkinsrs at comcast.net
Mon Oct 7 16:21:26 PDT 2019

I share the concern about driving a lot to get to dance events.

FWIW:  The Concord Scout House is 0.6 miles from the Concord commuter rail station, which has approximately hourly service (more frequent in rush hour) to and from North Station in Boston and intermediate stops (including Porter Square for the Red Line subway).  Last inbound train just before 11:30 pm.

By contrast, I can pretty easily get to dances in Burlington, VT, from my home in Middlebury, VT, by public bus during rush hour, but there is no return service late in the evening.   I need to be more diligent about seeking people to carpool with, but not everyone wants to get to the dance as early as the caller has to, nor stay till the bitter end.



Richard Hopkins

hopkinsrs at comcast.net

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