[Callers] How would you teach this? What would you call it?
Luke Donforth
luke.donev at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 12:49:23 PST 2019
Here's a crack at putting the star burst in a duple improper choreography.
Stellar Star Burst
A1 -----------
(16) Neighbor gyre and swing
A2 -----------
(8) Larks/Gents allemande Left 1-1/2
(8) Partner swing
B1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Left hand Star 3/4
B2 -----------
(8) Star Burst: ravens/ladies lead out, curve left; larks/gents lead back
in (single progression)
(8) with new neighbors Right hand Star 1x
I'm not positive on the timing of B1 & B2. There are a couple of places to
adjust it. This assumes giving folks a little extra time for the star
burst, with a left hand star 3/4x that probably won't take the full 8
counts. If A2 were circle left 3/4 & partner swing. Then B1 becomes long
lines forward and back with a left hand star 1 & 1/4; which would compress
the starburst into ~6. You could also make it take more time with a double
progression (a wider out, loop, and in; although it might be hard to keep
track of). The gyre and swing at the A1 is pretty forgiving.
I don't know how different the star burst would feel from a poussette; the
two are very similar; and the above sequence could be rendered:
A1 -----------
(16) Neighbor gyre and swing
A2 -----------
(8) Larks allemande Left 1-1/2
(8) Partner swing
B1 -----------
(8) Long lines, forward and back
(8) Circle Right 3/4
B2 -----------
(8) Poussette (larks start push) to progress
(8) With next neighbors Circle Left 1X
I think I'd rather dance the first one than the second; but I'm not sure
it's worth the teaching time.
On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 5:52 PM Angela DeCarlis <aedecarlis at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would probably get everyone into their final positions first before
> teaching the move, so's that everyone knows where they'll end up.
> After that the language would look something like, "Star Right all the way
> around. With your partner and without hands, slide out and away from the
> center of the set in the direction that feels comfortable moving out of
> that star. Ones move up through the center. Twos and Threes, slide back
> into the set into the positions we previewed earlier."
> It would be slightly easier to teach if it weren't proper! Then you could
> specify who's leading whom for those slides.
> I like this move and would like to see a version of it in a duple improper
> choreography, please! Sans the folks moving through the center,
> unfortunately.
> Angela
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019, 5:15 PM QuiAnn2 via Callers <
> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> If it isn’t already a defined move it should most definitely be called a
>> “star burst”!!
>> Jacqui Grennan
>> On Mar 7, 2019, at 1:30 PM, Luke Donforth via Callers <
>> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm playing around with choreographing triplets, and I've got a sequence
>> that I think would flow well; but I'm not sure how to teach it short of a
>> demo.
>> The idea is that couples 2 & 3 do a star. Out of that star, they move
>> out, up, and back in; leaving space in the middle for couple 1 to move to
>> the bottom.
>> I put together an animation of it:
>> https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/292197780/
>> Is that already a defined move? What would you call it? How would you
>> teach it?
>> Thanks for your thoughts!
>> --
>> Luke Donforth
>> Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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