[Callers] "Dixie Twirl" term

Folk Dance ceilidh.caller.bob at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 01:55:39 PDT 2019

Thread the needle is a whole set move in ceilidh and ECD using an arch at
the end of lines, I wouldn't recommend it as a replacement for a Dixie
twirl for this reason.


On Thu, 8 Aug 2019, 09:21 jim saxe via Callers, <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I rather like the term Greg Frock's suggestion (not claimed to be
> original) of "Thread the Needle".  While I've heard "Thread the Needle"
> used with other meanings, I think there's little danger of confusion in the
> contra context, especially since that the action is rare enough that the
> caller will presumably need to teach it.
> Ric Goldman wrote:
> > I’ve sometimes come across this a Paired Twirl, a Paired California
> Twirl, a California Four,  or an Arch and Swap (taught this way):
> >
> >                In a line-of-4 facing all the same, middles raise an arch
> and, keeping hands, right-hand pair goes under the arch (led by end dancer)
> while left-hand pair cross over to the other side (led by the end dancer).
> >                End result is the same line-of-4, facing back the other
> way, much as a California Twirl does for 2 dancers.
> >
> > This description also avoids any gender-specific terms in case that’s an
> offense issue for others.
> In modern western square dance terminology, the figure might be called "As
> Couples, California Twirl" though I don't know whether it actually is
> (since it might be claimed that that would imply the right hand pair going
> under the arch side-by-side--which could require quite a stretch of the
> arching dancers' arms--rather than with the end dancer in the lead).
> Digressing for a moment from the terminology, I'll take the opportunity to
> opine that the action could be smoother if the two dancers nearest the left
> end of the line are the ones who make the arch, rather than the two center
> dancers.  (Anyone agree? disagree?)  Regardless of who makes the arch, it's
> important that the dancer on the left end of the line remember to move
> across the set instead standing still as if only the right hand dancers
> were active.
> Returning to terminology, note that if the leftmost pair of dancers make
> the arch. then "As Couples, California Twirl" definitely will not bean
> accurate description, but I think "Thread the Needle" would be just fine.
> --Jim
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