[Callers] Does this exist? (Rory O'Moore > Partner Balance and Swing)

Luke Donforth luke.donev at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 11:40:53 PDT 2019

Hi Maia,

Not sure if you've already run this one (I'm behind on e-mails).
Personally, I would caution that getting dancers out of the habit of
Rorying to the right first might be hard.

I have in my box a similar dance, called Wildabeasts (that I wrote in
2017), that replaces your A2 with a
(8) Raven's Chain across
(4) Circle RIGHT 1/2, pass through
(4) Pass through to an Ocean Wave
That sets you up with your partner in your right hand, instead of your left

I will say, that while I wrote it and it's in my box, I've never actually
called it (along with about 150 other compositions).

As for dances I have actually called.

There's a variation of Donna Hunt's "This Could be the Start of Something"
that starts with the Down the Hall, and has the ravens slide all the way to
their partner for a balance and swing instead of ravens allemande->partner

Erik Hoffman's "Missing Duck" has an A2 Rory, and a B2 P B&S, as does
Fidgety Feet/Fickle Finger of Fate by Mark Richardson/Don Lennartson.

None of those three have a neighbor swing though. For that, I'd turn to
Bill Olson's "Dancing With Amy"

A1 -----------
(8) Circle Left 3/4
(8) Neighbor swing
A2 -----------
(8) left diagonal Ladies’ chain across to your shadow
(8) left hand star (to a long wavy line with your partner)
B1 -----------
(8) Balance and slide to the right (as in Rory O’More)
(8) Balance and slide to the right (as in Rory O’More)
B2 -----------
(16) Partner balance and swing

On Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 11:14 PM Maia McCormick via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I wanted a closer with a Rory O'Moore and a partner balance and swing.
> This is what I came up with. Does this (or a variant thereof) already exist?
> *Wave Goodbye* (becket L)
> A1: (on the L diagonal) give and take N (to lark's side)
> N swing
> A2: ravens chain (to P)
> ravens alle. R 1 1/2 to short waves (LH to N, ravens by R)
> B1: bal. L and R, slide L (short waves, RH to N, larks by L)
> bal. R and L, slide R, ravens sliding extra to pass each other
> B2: P b&s
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Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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