[Callers] joke, and a request

Chris Page chriscpage at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 00:50:05 PDT 2018

I've written a few triple minors. The best are probably TLC Tempest and


Both have very low piece count, and can be done in a regular evening.

Beyond that, I'd recommend "Good Times" by Al Olson, replacing the B2 with
(new) lines of three forward and back, ones swing.

-Chris Page
San Diego

On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 8:34 PM Judy Greenhill via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> On a more serious note, I would like to get my local dance series doing
> more-well, actually some!-triple minors. Eventually I’d like to get them to
> at least tolerate some of the traditional dances, but the learning curve of
> triple minor +plus unfamiliar figures + no swing has always been just too
> steep for them to manage. I’ve gone through Zesty Contras for more modern
> triples but so far haven’t found one that I think will work-so, what are
> your favourite triple minors? What worked-and what didn’t-in introducing
> them to a crowd used to at least one swing in every dance, and everybody
> moving most, if not all of the time?
> Can include contra corners as they are pretty proficient-thanks to 3 years
> of including it every time I call!
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