[Callers] Programming a Dance

Linda S. Mrosko elmerosko at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 15:25:17 PDT 2018

Being in charge of a monthly "open band open mic dance," I rarely prepare
-- but I usually have at least a couple of dances in mind, just in case.  I
never know if another caller will show up or if a room full of newcomers
will show up.  It's a small venue and the regular dancers are forgiving.

For a regular dance, I do like to have a program and start with at least a
sketch of a plan a week in advance.  If it's a band I haven't worked with,
,I try to have a plan to them at least a week ahead of the dance.  For our
regular musicians, all they want to know is where the Balances are, are
there any Do-Si-Dos (usually a jig), Down the Hall & Back or Hey, and
whether I'm using a Chestnut with its own tune.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 12:58 PM, Rich Sbardella via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> I am curious how much time you all plan programming a dance before
> arriving at a venue.  If you do not preprogram, what is your approach for
> on the fly programming?
> Rich Sbardella
> Stafford, CT
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*Looking forward,Linda S. Mrosko*

*102 Mitchell Drive*

*Temple, Texas 76501*

*(903) 292-3713 (Cell)*
*(903) 603-9955 (Skype)*
*contradancetx.com <http://www.contradancetx.com>*

*www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy* <http://www.zazzle.com/fuzzycozy*> (Dance
buttons, t-shirts, & more)*
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