[Callers] More substitute terms for the g-word

Kalia Kliban kalia.kliban at gmail.com
Tue Mar 13 11:53:23 PDT 2018

On 3/13/2018 11:02 AM, Martha Wild via Callers wrote:
> Interesting discussion on the Portland Country Dance Community Facebook 
> page. Lots of great suggestions. A lot of people really don’t like 
> “right shoulder round” (I’m one of them). I tried one of their 
> suggestions last night - Kipsey - and it worked amazingly well. 

I've been using "R/L shoulders around" since it has, at least so far, 
been preferable to the alternatives.  The big advantage of the word 
"gypsy" is that it's both a noun and a verb, so you can say "gypsy your 
neighbor" or "dance a mirror gypsy with your partner."  RSA is more 
cumbersome and less flexible.

Gotta say, I really like "kipsey."  A lot.  It's the first alternative 
I've heard that scratches the same itch as "gypsy" without being 
excessively twee or hard to say or hard to hear.

Other CA Bay Area callers on the list, what do you think about this 


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