[Callers] Another occupational hazard for callers

billinhi at gmail.com billinhi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 21:52:19 PDT 2018

You might also consider how to make a test as to whether there is UV in 
your environment.
I did a little research and turns out there is a little trick you can 
Highlighter markers rely on UV to make them glow.
So if you use one to write on a dark or preferably black piece of cardboard,
under non-UV you can't see anything, but under UV the lettering glows.
It would be nice to know how good a test this is under real conditions.
Maybe you want to put one in your deck of cards.

Anne Lutun via Callers wrote:
> When was the last time you got a tan at an *indoor* contradance?
> No, this is not a joke. I got sunburned while calling this past 
> Saturday (March 3rd, in Pennsylvania).
> How is this possible? Probably a damaged metal halide bulb in the 
> community center gym where the dance was held. Apparently this is a 
> problem that occurs sporadically in gyms all over the country, as I 
> found out after a google search:
> https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2004/05/19/damaged-metal-halide-lamps-can-cause-indoor-sunburns-56964/ 
> <https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2004/05/19/damaged-metal-halide-lamps-can-cause-indoor-sunburns-56964/>
> https://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationSafety/AlertsandNotices/ucm116540.htm 
> <https://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationSafety/AlertsandNotices/ucm116540.htm>
> I'm very fair-skinned and burn easily, but I'm not the only one who 
> was affected — the musicians got sunburns as well, and two of them 
> have (mild) eye irritation symptoms. It's only when we compared notes 
> yesterday that we realized what had happened.
> We will all be ok, and thankfully there haven't been any reports of 
> dancers being affected — it was a large and lively crowd, and we kept 
> them moving! Other than the burns, it was an absolutely wonderful dance.
> The problem had not occurred before at this monthly event because the 
> bank of lights that we now think the culprit bulb is a part of is not 
> usually on. It was needed that night because some of the other lights 
> had burned out.
> I would like to commend the dance organizers for taking the problem 
> very seriously. Once informed, they immediately contacted the 
> community center management, who in turn promised to address the issue 
> right away.
> I don't mean to alarm anyone, but next time you call in a gym, you may 
> want to wear sunscreen!
> Anne Lutun
> Philadelphia, PA
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