[Callers] Dance logs and record-keeping

Amy Wimmer amywimmer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 18:07:34 PST 2018

Huh! I never thought of that for the dance we run. I keep a file of each
gig and the dances I called at each. I also write on each dance card the
date and location of each time I've called it, so I don't repeat myself too

There's a record of contra dances called at Northwest Folklife Festival. I
don't know how far back it goes.

I'll talk to my fellow organizers about starting this at Emerald City
Contra Dance.


On Tue, Mar 6, 2018, 5:42 PM Kalia Kliban via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Dance logs, a cumulative record for a series of which dances have been
> called on any given evening, are very common in the English dance
> community but vanishingly rare in the contra community.  Why is that?
> They're really helpful for incoming callers, and it's probably nice for
> the dancers not to keep getting the same dances week after week.
> I've only ever known of one contra series that kept a log, and it's
> probably because I suggested it when they started out (the Queer Contra
> series in Oakland, CA).  Are there any contra organizers out there who
> maintain a dance log?  Those of you who do, how do you get the dance
> lists from the callers?  The Oakland series had a little book on the
> stage and the callers would write their programs down as they went or at
> the end of the night.
> Part of it comes down to record-keeping on the part of the callers.  I
> keep a personal log of all the dances I've called so I can avoid
> repeating myself when I return to a given venue.  That makes it easy for
> me to produce a set list after the fact if an organizer wants to fill in
> a gap in the log.  Fellow contra callers, do you all keep records of
> what you call, and if you don't, how do you avoid repeating yourself or
> remember what worked well (or not) the last time you called at a
> particular place?
> If you work with something like Caller's Companion, do you update the
> program list with what you actually danced as opposed to what you
> programmed?
> Just curious about other people's process on this.
> Kalia in Sebastopol, CA
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