[Callers] New dance composition, star to next neighbor hey

Luke Donforth luke.donev at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 13:03:27 PDT 2018

Hi folks,

I ran this at a monthly dance, and it was well received; so I figured I'd
share it around. To my knowledge it's new. Please correct me if you know of
a prior.

The interesting/odd bit is the transition from B2 to A1, where the ladies
role comes out of a left hand star with old neighbors to start a hey by the
left shoulder in the middle with new neighbors. It flows well, but is

*Hubert Humphrey Deserves More Than Just a Song By Tom Lehrer*
by Luke Donforth
Improper, duple minor contra
Ladies start full hey by the left
Neighbor gyre and swing
Circle Left 3/4
Partner Swing
Ladies chain across
Left Hand Star 1x

As for the title, well, I was on a presidents and folk music kick. Writing
titles is harder than writing dances...


Luke Donforth
Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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