[Callers] Folk Festival - Easy Contra dances to teach Beginners

Mac Mckeever macmck at ymail.com
Tue Jul 24 07:53:19 PDT 2018

 I stay away from contras unless you have a good number of experienced dancers to hold things together.  There are lots of dances that are more self correcting and don't have the complexity that progression creates.  Virginia Reel works good with beginners
Mac McKeever
    On Tuesday, July 24, 2018, 9:48:59 AM CDT, Lorraine Sutton via Callers <callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:  
 Hello All,
I am calling a 2 hour Intro to Contra dance ....at an Ontario Canada Festival. ( more a music focus than a dance focus, at this festival) 
I would appreciate hearing from you as to contra dances ( lws proper & Improper) that you have found successful with very novice dancers and why you think those dances work for beginners.(I love Larry Jennings definition of easy vs complicated ) 
I do plan on doing some non progressive lws as well as a both a circle and a Sicilian  circle in the program mix , to get the concept of progression.
Thanks so much. 
Lorraine Sutton  ( lorrainesutton7 at gmail.com )

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