[Callers] Does a 1/2 figure 8 and cast off exist in ECD? In Contra?

John Sweeney john at modernjive.com
Wed Jul 11 03:00:03 PDT 2018

Hi Luke,
	I am not sure why you are calling it a Half Figure Eight.  Unless I have misunderstood something, you just have the ladies crossing the set, going around each other instead of straight across, while the men move out of the way.  Since the active dancers don't go around a gatepost (person or position) then it doesn't seem to be a Figure Eight sort of move.

	I call that move a Bombast (Headcorn Morris use it and call it that and I thought it would make a nice dance figure for us).  In this version of the move, instead of the men casting they move straight to their destination, then turn (the turns aren't full turns - just until you can see your next destination); the ladies turn as well at their destination.  I also have the move along the set instead of your version across the set.

	The dances below are more ECDish dances, but may help clarify the idea.

	The "Turn Single Changing Places" starts as a Gypsy Right, but once you are past each other you keep turning to face away - I often call it a Spin Past.

Bombast I (by John Sweeney)
Longways; Improper

A1: Bombast:
   Men go straight across to the Ladies’ places WHILE Ladies Gypsy Right 1/2 to Men’s Places; All Turn Single
   Ladies go straight across to the Men’s places WHILE Men Gypsy Right 1/2 to Ladies’ Places; All Turn Single
A2: Repeat
B1: Set to Partner, Turn Single Changing Places [End facing out] 
   Lines Lead Away; Fall Back [Face In at last moment] 
B2: Balance the Ring; Ladies Cross; Balance the Ring; Men Cross

Bombast II (by John Sweeney)
Longways; Improper

A1: Bombast:
   Men go straight across to the Ladies’ places WHILE Ladies Gypsy Right 1/2 to Men’s Places; All Turn Single
   Ladies go straight across to the Men’s places WHILE Men Gypsy Right 1/2 to Ladies’ Places; All Turn Single
A2: Set to Partner, Turn Single Changing Places [End facing out] 
   Lines Lead Away; Fall Back [Face In at last moment] 
B1: Long Lines Go Forward & Back – Men Roll the Ladies from Right to Left as you Fall Back
   Mad Robin – Men through the Middle
B2: Long Lines Go Forward & Back – Ladies Roll the Men from Right to Left as you Fall Back
   Mad Robin – Ladies through the Middle

            Happy dancing,			
John Sweeney, Dancer, England   john at modernjive.com 01233 625 362 & 07802 940 574			
http://www.modernjive.com for Modern Jive Events & DVDs			
http://www.contrafusion.co.uk for Dancing in Kent			

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