[Callers] Circles, Crazy Circles

Maia McCormick maia.mcc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 10 07:23:02 PDT 2018

Re: g&t -- that's totally fair, and an experience I've had on the floor as
well, but oh man when it's done right it's lovely! Maybe worth spending
some time teaching the right way to do it from the mic? (This is something
I might do myself the next time I call one, come to think of it.) Another
option: select for dances with a g&t *with partner* (rather than with
neighbor) so couples can adjust to each other refine their resistance,
playfulness, etc. rather than starting from square zero with a new N every
time. Might make for a more satisfying experience. Just a thought.


On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 9:58 AM, Rich Sbardella via Callers <
callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:

> Thanks Luke,
> You made some great points, and offer some good choices.
> My experience as a dancer is the Give & Take is rarely satisfying.  Seldom
> is there any resistance, or playfulness, as intended by Jennings.
> I try not to call more than one G&T in an evening.
> Peace, Rich
> On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 8:00 AM, Luke Donforth <luke.donev at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Lots of great dances already suggested.
>> Talking about the bigger picture programming thing, I hear wanting to
>> change the feel and not have circles in every dance. While Give and Take
>> might feel like a cheat to you, it will feel different for the dancers, and
>> it's probably not egregious.
>> You can also add a fair bit of texture with just different results from
>> the circle. A swing ->circle & swing transition is going to feel different
>> than a circle into a chain, or a circle left to a circle right, etc. I
>> think two no-circle dances in a half is a good thing to shoot for, but also
>> showing the various ways the circle can be used.
>> A lot of 4x4 dances don't use circles, so if your crowds are up for (and
>> large enough) for those, they can get you there and add other program
>> texture.
>> As for specific dances that haven't been mentioned yet, here are some
>> with 10+ calls from my box:
>> Marion's Delight by Carol Kopp
>> A turn for the better by Bill Pope
>> Friday Night Fever by Tony Parks
>> Rocket City Romp by Cis Hinkle
>> iFlirt by Luke Donforth
>> 2nd Course by Luke Donforth
>> A Sure Thing by Chris Page (has Circle Right)
>> Treasure of the Sierra Madre by James Hutson (no N swing)
>> Amherst and Wooster by Chris Weiler (no N swing)
>> On Mon, Jul 9, 2018 at 8:16 PM, Rich Sbardella via Callers <
>> callers at lists.sharedweight.net> wrote:
>>> Helo Folks,
>>> This group has been so quiet lately.  The group has been so important
>>> for me as I developed my Contra calling repertoire and skills, so I thought
>>> I'd initiate a conversation.
>>> As I sit here programming a dance I realize that I do not have many
>>> dances without circles.  Many that I do have, do not have a Neighbor Swing,
>>> or have a Give & Take to cheat it out.  Those factors limit where and when
>>> I can use them.
>>> I generally like to program two no circle dances in each half, and also
>>> a NO neighbor Swing dance in at least one half if not both halves of an
>>> evening.  Any thoughts on this?
>>> Does anyone want to share some modern contras that have no Circles and
>>> no Give & Takes, but include a partner and neighbor swing.
>>> Here are a few I have used.
>>> Just for NEFFA, Linda Leslie
>>> Rollin' and Tumblin'. Cis Hinkle
>>> Rocket City Romp, Cis Hinkle
>>> Travels with Rick and Kim, Shari Miller Johnson
>>> Friday Night Fever, Tony Parkes
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rich Sbardella
>>> Stafford, CT
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>>> List Name:  Callers mailing list
>>> List Address:  Callers at lists.sharedweight.net
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>> --
>> Luke Donforth
>> Luke.Donforth at gmail.com <Luke.Donev at gmail.com>
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> List Name:  Callers mailing list
> List Address:  Callers at lists.sharedweight.net
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